West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf · West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (2024)

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (1)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.



3rd Semester Structure

A. Theory

Contacts Periods/Week

Credits SI


Code Subject

L T P Total







M 302

EE 301

EC 301

CS 302



EI 302


Circuit Theory & Networks

Solid State Devices

Data Structure & Algorithms

Numerical Methods & Programming

Electronic Measurement &






























Total Theory 22 22

B. Practicals

EE 391

CS 382

EI 382

Circuit & Network Lab

Data Structure & Programming Lab

Electronic Measurement &

Instrumentation Lab
















Total Practical 15 8

Total of Semester 37 30

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (2)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


4th Semester Structure


A. Theory

Code Theory Contacts



L T P Total

EC 401

EC 402

EC 403

EC 404

EC 405

Analog Electronic Circuits

Digital Electronic Circuits

Analog Communication

Electromagnetic waves &

radiating Systems

Micro electronic & Opto

electronic devices





















Total Theory 20 20


B. Practicals

Code Practicals Contacts



L T P Total

EC 491

EC 492

EC 493

EC 494

Analog Electronic Circuits


Digital Electronic Lab

Prop. & Antenna Lab

Analog Communication Lab













Total Practical 12 8


HU 481 Technical Report writing & / Language

Practice Lab

0 0 0 3 2



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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


5th Semester Structure


Contacts periods

Per week



Total Credits

EC-501 Telecommunication System 3 1 0 4 4

EC-502 Digital Communication 3 1 0 4 4

EC-503 Computer Architecture & Organization 3 1 0 4 4

EC-513 Control System 3 1 0 4 4



Microprocessor & Microcontroller 3 1 0 4 4

TOTAL OF THEORY 15 5 0 20 20


Contacts periods

Per week



Total Credits

EC-592 Digital Communication Lab 0 0 3 3 2

EC-583 Control System lab 0 0 3 3 2



Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab 0 0 3 3 2


0 0 9 9 6


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


6th Semester Structure

A. Theory

Code Theory L T P Total Credits

HU 601 Industrial Management 3 0 0 3 3

EC 601 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 0 4 4

EC 602 Computer Communication &


3 1 0 4 4

EC 603 Power Electronics 3 1 0 4 4

EC604 VLSI Circuits & Systems 3 1 0 4 4

Total of Theory 19 19

B. Practical

Code Practicals L T P Total Credits

EC 691 Digital Signal Processing Lab 0 0 3 3 2

EC694 VLSI Circuits & Systems Lab 0 0 3 3 2

Total of Practicals 6 4

C. Sessional

Code Sessionals L T P Total Credits

EC 682 Seminar-I 0 0 3 3 2

EC 683 Electronic Circuit Design Lab 0 0 5 5 4

Total of Sessionals 8 6

Total of Semester 33 29

6 –Week Industrial Training during Summer Vacation

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (5)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


ECE 7th Semester Structure

A. Theories





Code Subject


Total Credit

1 EC701 RF & Microwave Engineering 3 1 0 4 4

2 EC702 EDA for VLSI Design 3 1 0 4 4

3 EC703 Coding & Information Theory 3 1 0 4 4

4 EC 704 Elective-I 3 0 0 3 3

Total of theory 15 15

B. Practicals





Code Subject


Total Credit

1 EC791 Microwave Engineering Lab 0 0 3 3 3

2 EC792 EDA Lab 0 0 3 3 3

Total of practical 6 6

Total 21 21

C. Sessionals





Code Subject


Total Credit

1 EC783 Project-I 0 0 3 3 2

2 EC784 Group discussion 0 0 3 3 4

Total of sessionals 6 6

Total credit of semester 27


Code Subject

1 EC704A System Programming & Operating System

2 EC704B Advanced Engineering Mathematics for Electronic


3 EC704C Database Management System

4 EC704D Process Control Engineering

5 EC704E Pattern Recognition & Machine Intelligence

6 EC704F Telecommunication Network Management

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (6)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


ECE 8th Semester Structure

A. Theories





Code Subject


Total Credit

1 HU801 Values of Ethics of Profession 3 0 0 3 3

2 EC 802 Advance Communication System 3 1 0 4 4

3 EC 803 Elective-II 3 0 0 3 4

4 EC804 Elective – III 3 0 0 3 4

Total of theory 13 15


B. Practicals

Code Practicals Contacts



L T P Total

1 EC892 Advance Communication Lab 0 0 3 3 2

Total of Practical 3 2

C. Sessionals





Code Subject


Total Credit

1 EC881 Project-II 0 0 3 3 4

2 EC882 Grand Viva 4

3 EC883 Seminar-II 3 3 4

Total of sessionals 6 12

Total credit of semester 29


Code Subject

1 EC803A Software Engineering

2 EC803B Embedded System

3 EC803C Distributed Computing

4 EC803D Digital Image Processing

5 EC803E Modern Control Systems


Code Subject

1 EC804A Internet Technology

2 EC804B Medical Electronics

3 EC804C Mobile Computing

4 EC804D Remote Sensing

5 EC804E Microwave Circuits and


West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (7)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.




Third Semester


Code: M 302

Contacts: 3L + 1T

Credits: 4

Fourier Series:

Introduction: Euler’s formula; Problems on general Fourier Series; Conditions for Fourier Expansion;

Fourier Expansions of Discontinuous Functions; Even and Odd functions; Change of interval; Half

range series; Typical Waveforms (Square, Saw-toothed, Triangular, Half Wave rectifier, Full Wave

rectifier); Parseval’s Identity (statement only); Fourier Transform (FT) and its properties; Inverse

Fourier Transform (statement only); Fourier transform of derivative (statement only); Convolution

(statement only); Application of Fourier Transform in solving partial differential equations — Laplace’s

Equation (2D only), Heat Conduction Equation (1D only) and Wave Equation (1D only).


Calculus of Complex Variable:

Functions; Limits and Continuity; Analytic Functions; Cauchy Riemann Conditions; Analytic

Continuation; Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem; Cauchy's Integral Formula; Taylor's and

Laurent Series; Zeros of an Analytic Function; Poles; Essential Singularities; Residue Theorem

(statement only) and it's application to evaluation of integral; Introduction to Conformal Mapping;

Simple problems.


Probability and Statistics:

Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation; Samples Space; Definition of Probability; Conditional

Probability; General Multiplication Theorem; Independent Events; Bayes' Theorem; Random Variable;

Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions - Probability mass function; Probability density

function; Distribution Function; Expectation; Variance; Probability Distribution—Binomial, Poisson and

Normal. Correlation and Regression; Method of Least Squares; Linear Curve Fitting.


Graph Theory:

Graphs; Digraphs; Isomorphism; Walk; Path; Circuit; Shortest Path: Dijkstra's Algorithm; Tree;

Properties of Tree; Binary Tree; Fundamental Circuit; Minimal Spanning Tree: Kruskal's Algorithm;

Prim’s Algorithm. Cut Set; Fundamental Cut Set and Cut Vertices; Matrix Representation of Graphs

(Adjacency and Incidence Matrices); Network; Flow Augmenting Path; Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for

Maximum Flow; Max Flow – Min Cut Theorem (statement only).


Total 48L

Text Books: 1. Rathor, Choudhari,: Descrete Structure And Graph Theory.

2. Gupta S. C and Kapoor V K: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics - Sultan Chand & Sons.

3. Lipschutz S: Theory and Problems of Probability (Schaum's Outline Series) - McGraw Hill Book. Co.

4. Spiegel M R: Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics (Schaum's Outline Series) - McGraw

Hill Book Co.

5. Goon A.M., Gupta M K and Dasgupta B: Fundamental of Statistics - The World Press Pvt. Ltd.

6. Spiegel M R: Theory and Problems of Complex Variables (Schaum's Outline Series) - McGraw Hill

Book Co.

7. Bronson R: Differential Equations (Schaum's Outline Series) - McGraw Hill Book Co.

8. Ross S L: Differential Equations - John Willey & Sons.

9. Sneddon I. N.: Elements of Partial Differential Equations - McGraw Hill Book Co.

10. West D.B.: Introduction to Graph Theory - Prentice Hall/Pearson Education

11. Deo N: Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science - Prentice Hall.

12. Grewal B S: Higher Engineering Mathematics (thirtyfifth edn) - Khanna Pub.

13. Kreyzig E: Advanced Engineering Mathematics - John Wiley and Sons.

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (8)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


14. Jana- Undergradute Mathematics

15. Lakshminarayan- Engineering Math 1.2.3

16. Gupta- Mathematical Physics (Vikas)

17. Singh- Modern Algebra

18. Rao B: Differential Equations with Applications & Programs, Universities Press

19. Murray: Introductory Courses in Differential Equations, Universities Press

20. Delampady, M: Probability & Statistics, Universities Press

21. Prasad: Partial Differential Equations, New Age International

22. Chowdhury: Elements of Complex Analysis, New Age International

23. Bhat: Modern Probability Theory, New Age International

24. Dutta: A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics Vol.1 & 2, New Age International

25. Sarveswarao: Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press

26. Dhami: Differential Calculus, New Age International

Circuit Theory & Networks

Code: EE 301

Contact: 3L + IT

Credit: 4

Different types of systems & networks: continuous & Discrete, Fixed and Time varying, Linear and Non-linear,

Lumped and distributed, Passive & Active Networks & Systems

Laplace transform of impulse and sinusoidal steps waveforms for RL, RC, LC and RLC Circuits. Transient

analysis of different electrical circuits with and without initial conditions, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform

Network theorems and their applications in circuit analysis, Formulation of network equations, Source

transformations, Loop variable analysis and node variable analysis

Graph of network, concept of tree branch, tree link. Incidence matrix, Tie-set matrix and loop currents, Cut set

matrix and node pair potentials

Two port networks, Open circuit Impedance and Short circuit Admittance parameters, Transmission parameters,

hybrid parameters, and their inter-relations

Indefinite admittance matrix- their applications to the analysis of active network

Active filter analysis and synthesis using operational amplifier

SPICE: How SPICE works. Model statement, models for passive and active device, D.C. circuits analysis, small

signal analysis, capacitors and inductors in D.C. Circuits, steady state and transient, plotting and printing, input

and output Impedance, D.C. sensitivity analysis, harmonic decomposition (Fourier Series), Harmonic re-

composition, voltage controlled components

Text books : 1. Sudhakar:Circuits & Networks:Analysis & Synthesis 2/e TMH New Delhi

2. Valkenburg M. E. Van, “Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall./Pearson Education

3. Engineering circuit analysis with PSPICE and probe-Roger

4. Engg Circuit Analysis,: Hayt 6/e Tata Mcgraw-Hill

5. A. Chakravarty: Networks, Filters & Transmission Lines

6. D.Chattopadhyay and P.C.Raksh*t: Electrical Circuits

7. A.V. Oppenheimer and A.S.Wilsky: Signals & Systems, PHI/Pearson

8. R.V.Jalgaonkar.: Network Analysis & Synthasis.EPH.

9 . Sivandam- Electric Circuits and Analysis, Vikas

10. V.K. Chandna, A Text Book of Network Theory & Circuit Analysis, Cyber Tech

References :

1.Reza F. M. and Seely S., “Modern Network Analysis”, Mc.Graw Hill Book Company

2.Roy Choudhury D., “Networks and Systems”, New Age International Publishers.

3.Kuo F. F., “Network Analysis & Synthesis”, John Wiley & Sons.

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (9)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Code: CS 302

Contact: 3L + IT

Credit: 4

Overview of C language

Time and Space analysis of Algorithms - Order Notations.

Linear Data Structures - Sequential representations - Arrays and Lists, Stacks, Queues and Dequeues, strings,


Linear Data Structures - Link Representation - Linear linked lists, Circularly linked lists. Doubly linked lists,


Recursion - Design of recursive algorithms, Tail Recursion, When not to use recursion, Removal of recursion.

Non-linear Data Structure : Trees - Binary Trees, Traversals and Threads, Binary Search Trees, Insertion and

Deletion algorithms, Height-balanced and weight-balanced trees, B-trees, B+ -trees, Application of trees;

Graphs - Representations, Breadth-first and Depth-first Search.

Hashing - Hashing Functions, collision Resolution Techniques.

Sorting and Searching Algorithms - Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quicksort, Merge Sort, Heapsort

and Radix Sort.

File Structures - Sequential and Direct Access. Relative Files, Indexed Files - B+ tree as index. Multi-indexed

Files, Inverted Files, Hashed Files.

Text books:

1. Data Structures and Algorithms- O.G.Kadke and U.A.Deshpandey, ISTE/EXCEL

2. Aho Alfred V., Hopperoft John E., UIlman Jeffrey D., “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson


3. Ajoy Agarwal.: Data Structures Through C.Cybertech.

4. Lipschutz: Data Structures TMH

References :

1.Heileman: Data structures,algorithims &OOP Tata McGraw Hill

2. Data Structures Using C, M.Radhakrishnan and V.Srinivasan, ISTE/EXCEL BOOKS

3.Weiss Mark Allen, “Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++”, Pearson


4. Horowitz Ellis & Sartaj Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotria Pub.

5. Tanenbaum A. S. , “Data Structures using ‘C’ ”Pearson Education


Code: M(CS) 312

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

Computer Number Systems; Overflow and underflow;

Approximation in numerical computation; Truncation and round off errors; Propagation and control of

round off errors; Chopping and rounding off errors; Pitfalls (hazards) in numerical computations (ill

conditioned and well conditioned problems).


Algorithmic Approach in C Language to all the Numerical Problems Discussed below must be


West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (10)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.



Lagrange’s Interpolation, Newton’s forward & backward Interpolation Formula. Extrapolation;

Newton’s Divided Difference Formula; Error; Problems.


Numerical Differentiation:

Use of Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formula only. 1L

Numerical Integration:

Trapezoidal formula (composite); Simson’s 1/3rd formula (composite); Romberg Integration (statement

only); Problems.


Numerical Solution of System of Linear Equations:

Gauss elimination method; Matrix Inversion; Operations Count; LU Factorization Method (Crout’s

Method); Gauss-Jordan Method; Gauss-Seidel Method; Sufficient Condition of Convergence.


Numerical Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations:

Iteration Method: Bisection Method; Secant Method; Regula-Falsi Method; Newton-Raphson Method. 4L

Numerical solution of Initial Value Problems of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:

Taylor’s Series Method; Euler’s Method; Runge-Kutta Method (4th order); Modified Euler’s Method and

Adams-Moulton Method.


C Language Overview:

Loop; Recursion; Function; Array; Pointers; Structures and Unions; Various types of File Access

Methods: Sequential, Indexed Sequential, Random; Binary.

Various types of Files in C and Various types of File Handling Statements in C


Total 36L

Implementation above Numerical & Statistical Problems in C Language;

Text Books: 1 Numerical Analysis & Algorithms, Pradeep Niyogi, TMH, 1

st ed.

2 C Language and Numerical Methods by C.Xavier

3 Introductory Numerical Analysis by Dutta & Jana

4 Numerical Method:Balagurusamy

5 Numerical Mathematical Analysis by J.B.Scarborough

6 Numerical Methods (Problems and Solution) by Jain, Iyengar , & Jain

7 Numerical Methods In Computer Applications – P.U.Wayse. EPH

8 Computer Oreinted Numerical Method- Dutta,N. ,Vikas

9 Numerical Methods with Programs in Basic Fortran Pascal & C++ - S.B.Rao, Universities Press

10 Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis – N.Dutta, Universities Press

11 Numerical Methods for Engineers – Gupta, New Age International

12 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations – Jain M.K.,New Age International

13 Numerical Methods for Scientific & Engg Computation – Jain M.K.,New Age International

14 Numerical Analysis – Rao G.S.,New Age International

15 Discrete Mathematical Structures – Rao G.S., New Age International

16 Foundations of Discrete Mathematics – Joshi K.D., New Age International

17 Applied Discrete Structures – Joshi, New Age International

18 Groups, Rings & Modules with Applications – Adhikari, M.R.,Universities Press

Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation (EI-302)

Sec I - Basic Measurement Techniques: Moving coil, Moving Iron, dynamometer, Wattmeter,

Electro-static Instruments,

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (11)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Sec II - Errors in Measurement : Definition of accuracy, precision speed of response, non-linearity,

techniques of linearization, classification of errors. Statistical analysis. Introduction to


Sec III - AC Bridges: Wheatstone Bridge Principle, Kelvin, Wein, Anderson Desauty and

Scherring Bridges, measurement of inductance, capacitance and frequency

Sec IV - Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Construction and principle of operation. Sweep and sweep

synchronization. Measurement of various parameters by CRO. High frequency and low

frequency limitations – sampling and storage oscilloscopes.

Sec V - Frequency domain instruments : Wave analyzer, spectrum analyzer

Sec VI - Digital Instrumentation – DVM, DMM, frequency counter

Sec VII - Transducers and actuators: piezoelectric sensors, LVDT, Measurement of pressure,

Temperature and flow

Sec VIII - Special Purpose Instruments: Signal generators, Q-meter


Text: 1) Electronic Instrumentation – by Kalsi (2/e) (TMH)

2) Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring Instruments: by Helpic & Cooper

– PHI/Pearson Education

Reference 1) Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis (2/e) by Nakra & Chowdhury

2) Electrical Measuring Instruments & Measurements – by Golding & Wides

3) A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instruments – A.K. Sawhany (Dhanpat


4) Elements & Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement (3/e) – by J. Carr (Pearson)

5) Digital Instrumentation – by Bowens (TMH)

Circuits & Networks Lab

Code: EE 391

Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

List of Experiments:

1. Transient response in R-L and R-C Network: Simulation/hardware

2. Transient response in R-L-C Series & Parallel circuits Network: Simulation/hardware

3. Determination of Impedance (Z) and Admittance(Y) parameters of two port network

4. Frequency response of LP and HP filters

5. Frequency response of BP and BR filters

6. Generation of Periodic, Exponential, Sinusoidal, Damped sinusoidal, Step, Impulse,

Ramp signals using MATLAB in both discrete and analog form

7. Evaluation of convolution integral, Discrete Fourier transform for periodic & non-

periodic signals and simulation of difference equations using MATLAB

19 Representation of poles and zeros in z-plane, determination of partial fraction expansion in z-

domain and cascade connection of second order system using MATLAB

20 Determination of Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transformation using MATLAB

21 Spectrum analysis of different signals

Note: An Institution/College may opt for some other software or hardware simulation wherever possible in

place of MATLAB

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Lab (EI382)

Module - I 1. Instrument workshop – observe the construction of PMMC, Dynamometer, Electro thermal and

Rectifier type instrument, Oscilloscope and digital multimeter.

Module - II

2. Calibrate moving iron and electrodynamometer type ammeter/voltmeter by potentiometer

3. Calibrate dynamometer type Wattmeter by potentiometer

4. Calibrate A. C. energy meter

Module - III

5. Measure the resistivity of material using Kelvin Double Bridge

6. Measurement of power using Instrument transformer

7. Measurement of power in Polyphase circuits


8. Measurement of Frequency by Wien Bridge using Oscilloscope

9. Measurement of Inductance by Anderson Bridge

10. Measurement of Capacitance by De Sauty Bridge

Module - V

11. Study of static characteristic (accuracy, precision, hysteresis, repeatability, linearity) of a

measuring instrument.

12. Study of dynamic characteristic (fidelity, speed of response)

Module - VI

13. Acquaintance with basic structure of DMM and measurement of different electrical parameters.

Module - VII

14. Statistical analysis of errors in measurement using computer simulation


15. Study of A/D converter along with its associate circuitry

16. Study of D/A converter

Module - IX

17. Realization of Data Acquisition System

Module -X

18. Wave and spectrum analysis using digital storage oscilloscope & spectrum analyzer.

Note: Each module is to be covered and at least 12 experiments are to be performed.

Solid State Deices EC – 301 Sec I Physics of semi conductor; Crystal lattice, e k diagram, concept of hole, effective mass, mobility-drift

and diffusion

West Bengal University of Technologysittechno.org/userfiles/file/syllabus/syllabus9.pdf· West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Revised Syllabus - [PDF Document] (13)

West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Sec II Junction Devices : P N and metal semiconductor conductor junctions, rectifier and detector diodes,

photovoltaic effect, solar cells, zener and varacter diodes

Sec III Bipolar transistor – physical mechanism current gain, punch-through and avalanche effect. Equivalent

circuit –h and pi-parameters

Sec IV Field Effect Transistors:- JFETS, MOS-capacitor flat band and threshold voltages-P and N channel.

MOSFETS, CMOS and VLSI MOSFETS, enhancement and depletion mode devices

Sec V Negative Resistance devices – tunnel, Gunn & Impatt diode

Sec VI Elements of Fabrication Technology


Text Books: 1) Semiconductor physics and Devices by Neamen (TMH)

2) Principles of semiconductor devices by Dimitrijev (oxford)

Reference Books 1) Microelectronics (2/e) by millman & Grabel (TMH)

2) Solid state Electronic Devices (5/e)- by Streetman & Banerjee (PHI)/Pearson


3) Electronic Devices and Circeits by Cathey (schaum services) – (TMH)

Data Structure & Programming Lab

Code: CS 382

Contact: 6P

Credit: 4

Experiments should include but not limited to:

Module-I Implementation of array operations:

Module -II Stacks and Queues : adding, deleting elements circular Queue: adding & deleting element

Merging Problem: Evaluation of expressions operations on Multiple Stacks & Queues

Module -III Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting, inverting a linked list. Implementation of

stacks & queues using linked lists:

Module -IV Polynomial addition, Polynomial multiplication

Sparse Matrices: Multiplication, addition.

Module -V Recursive and Non-recursive traversal of Trees

Threaded binary tree traversal. AVL tree implementation.

Application of Trees, Application of sorting and searching algorithms

Module -VI Hash tables implementation: searching, inserting and deleting, searching & sorting techniques.

Module – VII 1. Assignments on Interpolation: Newton forward & backward, Lagrange

2. Assignments on Numerical Integration: Trapezodial Rule, Simson’s 1/3 Rule, Weddle’s Rule

Module – VIII

1. Assignments on Numerical solution of a system of linear equation: Gauss elimination, Gauss

Jacobi, Matrix Inversion, Gauss Seidal

Module – IX

1. Assignments on Algebric Equation: Bisection, Secant, Regular – falsi, Newton Raphson.

Module – X

1. Assignments on Ordinary Differential Equation: Taylor Series, Euler’s method, Runga-Kutta

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Module – XI 1. Assignments on Statistical Problem: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation (for simple &

frequency type data), Correlation & Regression.


1. Innovative Expt on data structure programming

2. Innovative Expt on numerical analysis programming.

4th Semester

EC401: Analog Electronic Circuits

1] Introduction to Analogue Circuits: Active & Passive Devices,overview of analog circuits,application of

analog circuits-implementation etc.


2] Diodes and their Applications: Characteristics of ideal & real diodes,diode circuits-

rectifiers,clipping,clamping,special types of diodes & their applications-



[3] Bipolar Junction Transistors and Amplifiers: Characteristics of BJT; Ebers-Moll equations and large

signal models; inverse mode of operation, early effect; BJT as an amplifier and as a switch; DC biasing of

BJT amplifier circuits; small signal operations and models; Single state BJT amplifiers – CE, CB and CC

amplifiers; high frequency models and frequency response of BJT amplifiers; Basic design in discrete

BJT amplifiers; complete design examples; Basic BJT digital logic inverter; SPICE modeling of BJT and

amplifier circuits. [6]

[4] MOSFETS and Circuits: MOSFET -operational Characteristics; PMOS, NMOS and CMOS current

voltage characteristics; SPICE model of MOSFET; DC analysis; Constant Current Sources and Sinks;

MOSFET as an Amplifier and as a Switch; Biasing on MOS Amplifiers; Small Signal Operation of MOS

amplifiers; Common-source, common gate and source Follower Amplifiers; CMOS amplifiers; MOSFET

Digital logic inverters; voltage transfer characteristics, SPICE modeling of MOSFET circuits.


[5] Voltage & Power: Classification amplifiers; Class A, Class B, Class AB Class C – Circuit operation,

transfer characteristics, power dissipation, efficiency. Practical BJT and MOS power transistors; thermal

resistance; heat sink design; IC power amplifiers.


[6] Feedback in Amplifiers and Oscillators: Feedback concept and definition; Four basic feedback

topologies; Analysis of Series-shunt, series-series, shunt-shunt and shunt-series feedback amplifiers;

stability in feedback amplifiers, frequency compensation; principle of sinusoidal oscillators and

barkhausen criterion; Active-RC and Active-LC sinusoidal oscillators; Wien Bridge; Phase-Shift;

Quadrature Oscillators; Crystal Oscillators,application in voltage regulation


[7] Differential Amplifiers: Advantages of differential amplifiers; MOS and BJT differential pair; Small

signal and large signal operation of differential pairs; Parameters and non-ideal characteristics of

differential amplifiers; differential amplifier with active load frequency response; spice simulation



[8] Operational Amplifiers and its Applications: Concept of operational amplifiers; Ideal operational

amplifier parameters; Inverting and noninverting configurations; Common OPAMP Ics:Gain-frequency

and Slew rate; SPICE modeling and simulation examples; Instrumentation amplifiers; Integrators,

Differentiators; Logarithmic Amp; Multipliers; Comparators; Schmitt triggers


[9] Filters and Tuned Amplifiers: Filter characteristics and specifications; First and Second Order Filter

functions; First-order and second order filter network using OPAMPS; Tuned Amplifiers; Basic

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


principle; amplifiers with multiple tuned circuits; Synchronous and Stagger tuning; RF amplifiers



[10] Waveform Generation and Shaping Circuits: Multivibrators – Astable, monostable and bistable circuits;

bistable circuit as memory element comparator generation of square, triangular waveforms and

standardized pulse using AMV and MMV; Application of 555 timer.


Total: [40] Lectures


1] Microelectronic Circuits – Sedra and Smith

(Fifth Edition) (Oxford)

2] Microelectronics – Analysis and Design – Sundaram Natarajan (TMH)


1] Electronic Circuits – D.L. Schilting and C. Belove (TMH)

2] Sergio Franco – Operational Amplifier (JMH)

3] Millman and Halkias – Integrated Electronics – TMH Op Amp and Linear Ics.

4] R. A. Gackward – PHI/Pearson Education

5] Electronic Devices and Circuit theory – Boylestead and Nashesky – PHI/Pearson Education

Digital Electronic Circuits (EC 402)

1) Number System and Codes:

Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems and their arithmetic operations; conversion of one number

system to another. Signed and floating point representations of binary numbers. 1’s complement and 2’s complement


Binary codes, natural BCD codes; weighted, non-weighted, sequential, self-complementing and cyclic codes;

Excess-3, Alphanumeric, EBCDIC and Gray codes; code conversion- from one code to another; error detection and

correction using parity and Hamming code. [5]

2) Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra Basic logic gates -NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR –operations, truth tables and Venn diagram

representations; universal gates; commonly used 7400 series IC’s; standard and IEEE symbols of logic gates;

postulates and laws of Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorem; Canonical forms of expressions, minterms and

maxterms, SOP and POS forms. [4]

3) Simplification of Logic Expressions Simplification and minimization of logic expressions using Boolean algebra, K-maps, and Quinn McClusky

methods (up to 6 variables); use of don’t care terms. [4]

4) Combinational and arithmetic logic circuits: multiplexers and demultiplexers and their cascading;

design with multiplexers; decoders and encoders, priority encoders, parity generator and checkers, comparators;

Arithmetic circuits- Half adder, Full adder and common adder /subtractor circuit using logic gates, multiplexers

and decoders; CLA adder. BCD adder and subtractor.


5) Memory and Programmable Logic Devices: Memory elements; ROM in combinational logic circuits, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash ROM,DRAM,

SDRAM. Memory expansion; Programmable and gated array devices for designing combinational circuits-

PAL, PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA with examples. [4]

6) Sequential Logic Circuits Flip-flop as memory element; S-R, J-K, D and T type flip-flops and their conversions; master-slave configuration;

edge triggered and level triggered clock; registers; left, right, serial, parallel and universal shift registers;

synchronous and asynchronous counters; binary, modulo-N and arbitrary sequence counters; ring and Johnson

(twisted ring) counters. [6]

7) Finite State Machines: Brief introduction to finite automata theory; Moore, Mealy and Turing machine; state diagram, state variable, state

table and state minimization. design of state machines using combinational logic circuits and memories [3]

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


8) Logic Families:

Evolution of logic families, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS and BiCMOS logic families - their properties and

comparison; TTL outputs, - totem pole, tri-state and open collector; TTL-CMOS interfacing [5]

9) Analog- Digital Conversion D/A conversion- R-2R ladder type, weighted resistor type, switched current type and switched capacitor type; A/D

conversion-counter type, flash type, tracking type, successive approximation type and dual-slope type. [3]


1) Fundamental of digital circuits by A.Anand Kumar (PHI)

2) Modern digital Electronics (3/e) by R. P. Jain (TMH)

3) Digital design by M. Mano (Pearson)


1) Digital systems (9/e) by R.J.Tocci, N.S.Widemer,G.L.Mos (Pearson)

2) Digital Fundamentals by T.L.Floyd, R.P.Jain (Pearson)

3) 2000 solved problems in digital electronics by S.P.Bali (TMH)

4) Digital design principals and applications (6/e) by D.P.Leach, A.P.Malvino, G.Saha (TMH)

5) Digital Electronics-Bignell & Donovan,Delmer,Thompson Learning

6) Digital principals and design by D.D.Givone (TMH)

7) Digital design principals and practices by J.F.Wakerly (Pearson/PHI)

Analog Communication (EC 403)

1. Introduction-Signal Analysis and Transmission: Overview of communication- base-band

transmission, various types of signals, analog signal, fundamental limitations in communication

system- noise, bandwidth and hardware; Modulation and its need and types; Time domain and

frequency domain analysis; Fourier series representations- exponential and polar forms; Fourier

Transformation, Inverse Fourier Transformation and its properties (with examples);Statistical Methods.


2. Linear Systems-: Various types of systems, LTI systems; Low pass and band pass signals; basic

concepts on analog filters; Energy and power signals, Parseval’s theorem; Laplace transformation,

convolution theorems, convolution integral.


3. Amplitude Modulation (AM): Generation and transmission of AM signals, DSBSC, SSBSC and

VSB with block diagrams, relative merits and demerits of various AM schemes, balance modulators,

switching and ring modulators( block diagrams), time domain and frequency domain expressions,

phasor diagrams, modulation index, normalized power, side band filter


4. Demodulation of AM: Demodulation of AM signals, square law and envelop detectors.

Superheterodyne receiver for standard AM radio, effects of frequency and phase errors in local

oscillator. Synchronous demodulation of AM, DSB, SSB and VSB; PLL for detection of AM;

Comparison of AM systems; Frequency Division Multiplexing and Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing.


5. Angle Modulation: Frequency and phase modulations, phasor diagram, time and frequency domain

representation. power calculation, modulation index; Generation of FM signals using Armstrong

method, Modulation and Demodulation of FM and PM signals with limiter discriminator and PLL

respectively, narrow band and wide-band FM.


6. Pulse Modulation: Sampling theory, Shannon’s law, PAM, orthogonal signals, Sample and hold,

signal reconstruction, PCM, , PWM, PPM techniques.


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


7. Practical Communication Systems: Concept of Multiplexing,Concept of commercial FM radio and

Stereo FM radio; Narrow band and wideband modulation;. Recording and reproduction of sound; high

fidelity stereophonic systems; compact disc. Television broadcasting- block diagram of TV transmitter

and receiver, characteristics of TV transmission; characteristics of receiving and transmitting antennas;

VHF & UHF communication. [5]

8. Random signal and Noise: Signals power and spectral representations, energy and power signals,

auto correlation and cross correlation functions, power spectral density functions, White noise, thermal

noise, PSDF of white signal; Noise in communication systems, threshold effect in Angle Modulation,

Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis filtering; Signal to noise Ratio(SNR) and Carrier to Interference

Ratio(CIR). Noise power, Noise bandwidth of a LTI System and its use in communication.

Narrowband Noise Representation, generation of narrow band noise and its PSDF time domain

expressions. [6]

9. Introduction to Information Theory: Measure of information, entropy, mutual information; source

coding theorem, modeling of communication channels, Gaussian channel capacity.



1. Communication Systems 5/e –A.B.Carlson- (TMH/MGH)

2. Fundamentals of Communication System – J.G.Proakis & M.Salehi –( Pearson/PHI)

3. Communication Theory –T.G.Thomas & S Chandrasekhar (TMH)


1. Principle of Communication Systems- H.Taub & D.L.Schilling (TMH)

2. Analog Communication Systems – Sanjay Sharma (Katson)

3. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems- B.P.Lathi (Oxford)

4. Digital and Analog Communication Systems- L.W.Couch (Pearson)

5. Contemporary Communication Systems using MATLAB and Simulink- J.G.Proakis, M.Salehi and

G.Bauch (Thomson)

Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems

[EC 404]

Electromagnetic theory

1. Basics of Vector Analysis – orthogonal Coordinate Systems, Transformations of coordinate

systems; Del operator; Gradient, Divergence, Curl – their physical interpretations; Laplacian

operator. [3]

2. Coulomb’s law, electric field intensity, charge distribution.; Gauss’ law, flux density and electric

field intensity. Divergence theorem. Current Densities, Conductors, Poisson’s & Laplace’s

equations, Uniqueness theorem, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, Relation between J & H, Vector

magnetic Potential, Stokes’ theorem. [4]

3. Faraday’s law & Lenz’s law, Displacement Current, J C – J D Relation, Maxwell’s equations,

Time-harmonic fields, Wave Equation, Boundary Conditions between media interface; Uniform

Plane wave; Wave Propagation in Lossy Dielectric, Loss-less Dielectric, Free space. Poynting

Theorem, Power flow, Poynting vector.


4. Transmission Lines: Concept of Lump parameters and Distributed parameters, Line Parameters,

Transmission line equations and solutions, Physical significance of the solutions. Propagation

constant, Characteristic Impedance; Wavelength; Velocity of Propagation; Distortion-less Line,

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Reflection and Transmission coefficients; Standing Waves, VSWR, Input Impedance, Smith Chart

– Applications; Load Matching Techniques. [5]


5. Retarded Potential Functions, Field solutions; Radiations from Hertz Dipole and short Magnetic

Loop; Near-Field and Far-Field Concept. [4]

6. Antenna Parameters & characteristics: Definitions- Radiation Pattern, Beam Area, Beam

Efficiency, Directivity, Gain, Antenna Aperture, Aperture Efficiency, Radiation Resistance,

Resonant antennas, Wire antennas – Dipole, Folded dipole, Yagi-Uda, Log-periodic, Spiral

antennas, Monopole. [4]

7. Aperture antennas: Parabolic Reflector, Cassigrain Feed, Horn Antennas: Pyramidal, Sectoral

Horns [3]

8. Antenna Array: Two element Array, Uniform Linear Array; Electronic Scanning, Grating-lobe

Concept [4]


9. Different modes of Radio Wave Propagation: Ground Wave Propagation, Tilt,

Sky Wave Propagation, MUF, Skip Distance, Critical Frequency, Virtual Height.


10. Space Wave Propagation, Modified Refractive Index, Its effects on wave

propagation, Propagation over Plane Earth and spherical earth, Anomalous Propagation

Diffraction, Duct Propagation, Troposphere Propagation, [3]

11. Radar Equation, Friis Equation; Case study of LOS Antennas and Radar

Systems. [3]


Text Books;

1. Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems, 2ed Edition –

E. C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain,

Pearson Education

2. Elements of Electromagnetics, 4th Edition – Matthew N O Sadiku

Oxford University Press

3. Engineering Electromagnetics, 2ed Edition - Nathan Ida

Springer India

Reference Book

1. Electromagnetics, 2ed Edition – J A Edminister


2. Electromagnetic Waves – R K Shevgaonkar


3. Engineering Electromagnetics, 7thEdition-W.H.Hayt & J.A.Buck

Tata-Mc Graw-Hill

Microelectronics and optoelectronic Devices[EC 405]

1. Semiconductor Device physics : Change transport phenomenon, continent equations, Non equilibrium

Excess carriers in semiconductor, Surface effects, change storage and diode transients; contact, ohmic

and non ohmic.

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


2. Semiconductor Hetero junctions: Energy band diagram, 2-D electron gas, Current Voltage Characterization, high electron mobility.

3. Sub micron MOSFET: MOSFET scaling; Short channel effect, ballistic transport, sub threshold conduction.

4. Power BJTS and MOSFETs thyristors: Vertical power BJT structure and characterization , Darlington pair, Power MOSFET structure and characterization, thyristors , structure and characterization, trigging

circuits, Insulated gate Bipolar transistor.

5. Change transfer devices: Dynamic effects in MOS capacitors, Basic CCD Application of CCD, Thin film Transistors.

6. Mems- Micromachining of Silicon, bulk and surface Micromachining piezo sensitive MEMS pressure sensors.

7. Optoelectronic Devices: Optical processes in semiconductors, absorption, emission, radiation in semiconductors, LED, Laser Diode, Photo Diode, Solar Cells, OEIC.

TEXT: Pallab Bhattacherya- Semiconductor Optoelectronics

Sanjoy Banerjee & Streetman- Semiconductor device

Neaman- Micro Electonics Devices.

Propagation and Antenna Laboratory

[EC 493] [ At least two experiments from each module must be performed]

I 1. Radiation Pattern of Dipole and Dipole with Parasitic elements

2. Radiation Pattern of Printed antennas

3. Radiation Pattern of aperture antennas e.g., Horn antennas, Open-ended

Waveguides, Parabolic Reflectors.

[Radiation patterns E-Plane, H-Plane, 3-dB Beam-width, No. of

Side-Lobes, FNBW; Polar & Rectangular Plots of patterns]

II 1. Study of Smith Chart

2. Input Impedance of a terminated waveguide using Shift in minima


3. Single and Double- stub matching

III 1. Gain, Directivity and Bandwidth of a three-element Yagi-Uda antenna

2. Gain, Directivity and Bandwidth of a Pyramidal Horn antenna

3. VSWR and Reflection coefficient of a coaxial line for various load

condition using frequency domain Technique

IV 1. Study of Spectrum Analyser

2. Measurement of EMI Field using EMC Sensors

3. Study of field-patterns in near field region and far-field region of an



Digital Electronic Lab

1. Realization of basic logic functions using Universal logic gates.

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


2. Code conversion circuits-BCD to Excess-3 & Vice Versa.

3. Construction of simple decoder & multiplexer circuits using logic gates.

4. 4-bit parity generator & compare circuits.

5. Design of combinational circuits for BCD to decimal conversion to drive 7-segment display

using multiplexer.

6. Construction of simple arithmetic circuits –adder,subtractor using logic gates.

7. Construction of simple arithmetic circuits –adder,subtractor using multiplexer.

8. Construction of simple arithmetic circuits –adder,subtractor using decoders.

9. Realization of RS-JK & D flip flops using universal logic gates.

10. Realization of universal register using logic gates,JK flip-flops & multiplexer.

11. Realization of Asynchronous Up/Down counter.

12. Realization of Synchronous Up/Down counters.

13. Design of sequential counter with irregular sequences.

14. Realization of ring counter & Johnson’s counter.

15. Construction of adder circuit using shift register & full adder.

16. Study of DAC & ADC.

17. One innovative experiment.

EC-491: Analog electronic circuits lab

1. Design & implementation of diode clipping circuits.

2. Design & implementation of diode clamping circuits.

3. Design & implementation of 2-stage R-C coupled transistor amplifiers & to measure the gain &


4. Design & implementation of the class A & class B power amplifiers(using transistors) to measure

the efficiency & distortion (using power & distortion meter).

5. Design & implementation of of the class C & push-pull amplifiers(using transistors) to measure

the efficiency & distortion (using power & distortion meter).

6. Design & implementation of differentiator & integrator using OP-AMP(IC 741).

7. Design & implementation of adder & subtractor using OP-AMPS(IC 741)

8. Design & implementation of of monostable & astable multivibrator using NE555 timer.

9. Design & implementation of bistable multivibrator using NE555 timer.

10. Design of a simple function generator(Sawtooth,sine wave, ramp etc.) using OpAMPs(IC 741) to

observe the waveform on CRO.

11. Design & implementation of a V-to-I & I-to-V converter using OPAMPs.

12. Study the signal patterns at different test point of a switched mode power supply circuit & to

measure the voltage regulation.

13. One innovative experiment.

Analog communication Lab


1. Measurement of modulation index of an AM signal.

2. measurement of output power with varying modulation index f an AM signal(for both DSB-SC &


3. Measurement of distortion of the demodulated output with varying modulation index of an AM signal

(for both DSB-SC & SSB).

4. Measurement of power of different frequency components of a frequency modulated signal & the

measurement of the bandwidth.

5. Design a PLL using VCO & to measure the lock frequency.

6. Design a FM demodulator using PLL.

7. Measurement of SNR of a RF amplifier.

8. Measurement of selectivity ,sensitivity,fiedility of a superhetrodyne receiver.

9. Study of waveforms of various functional points (output of RF,IF & video) of a B/W TV receiver.

10. Study of the vertical & horizontal sweep of the time base unit of a B/W TV.

11. One innovative experiment.

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.




Code: HU 481

Contact: 3

Credits: 2

Topics to be covered and number of hours required for it:

1. Introductory lecture is to be given to the students so that they get a clear idea of the syllabus and understand the need for

having such a practice lab in the first place(3 hours)

2. Conversion practice is done on given situation topics. The students are also made to listen to pre-recorded cassettes produced

by British Council and also by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge (6 hours)

3. Group Discussions:- The students are made to understand the difference between the language of conversion and group

discussion. Strategies of such discussions are to teach to them. It is also helpful to use videocassettes produced by the U.G.C.

on topics like group-discussion. After wards the class is divided into groups and the students have to discuss on given topics

on current socio-economic-political-educational importance(12 hours)

4. Interview sessions-students are taught the do’s and don’ts of facing a successful interview. They then have to face rigorous

practices of mock-interviews. There simulations of real life interview sessions where students have to face an interview

panel(12 hours)

5. Presentations: The secrets of an effective presentation are taught to the students. Then each and every student has to make lab

presentations with the help of the Overhead projector/ using power point presentation and other audio-visual aids in the

laboratory. They also have to face the question answer sessions at the end of their presentation (12 hours)

6. Classes are also allotted to prepare the students for competitive examinations like the T.O.E.F.L. by making the students

listen to specially produced C.D. cassettes of such examinations (3 hours)

The overall aim of this course is to inculcate a sense of confidence in the students and help them to become

good communicators in their social as well as professional lives.


1. Sharma—Business Correspondence & Report Writing, TMH

2. Prasad—Group Discussion & Interview (With Audio Cassette) , TMH


1. Sashi Kumar—Spoken English (with Cassette) , TMH

Fifth Semester ECE

Telecommunication Systems

Code: EC 501

Contacts: 3-1-0

Credits: 4



Topic Periods


1. Introduction; Evolution of Telecommunication; Components and Examples of

Telecommunication systems 2

2. Telephone Systems; Pulse dialing & Tone dialing; Telephone Instruments -

rotary dial and push button types. 3


Telecommunication Transmission Lines- G.I, Copper, Co-axial, and Fiber optic

cables; Transmission Bridge -Hybrid circuit for 2-wire to 4-wire conversion and

vice versa. PCM Carriers; American and European standards of carrier



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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


4. Subscriber loop systems, BORSCHT Functions; Switching hierarchy & routing,

signaling techniques-in channel & common channel signaling, SS7. 4

5. Basics of Switching System: Classification of Switching System, Automatic

Switching System, 2

6. Principle of Operation of Strowger & Crossbar Electro-mechanical Systems;

Step by step Circuit Switching, - Director and Non-Director systems. 4


TDM, FDM and SDM; Time/Digital Switching systems - Time division Time

switch, Time multiplexed Space switch, Time multiplexed Time switch,

Hybrid switching, ; TS, ST, STS, TST systems; Architecture of 5ESS

systems; Generation of Electronic Exchanges


8. Stored Program Control, Software architecture, Application software; 3

9. Traffic Engineering: Blocking network, blocking probability, grade of service,

traffic load, Erlang-B and C-congestion formulas-case studies 4

10. Modems and their standards, RS 232C; DTE and DCE, Facsimile

Transmission 3


Introduction to ISDN channels & access arrangements, formats, service

capabilities and user-network interfaces; Limitations of ISDN, Introduction to



12. Introduction to cordless telephones, Digital PABX and WLL 2


Text Books:

1. T. Viswanathan, “ Telecommunications Switching Systems & Networks”, PHI

2. P. Gnansivam,”Telecommunication Switching Systems & Networks”;New Age.


1. Syed Riffat Ali,”Digital Switching System”;TMH

2. J. Martin “Telecommunication and Computer” 3/e (PHI)

3. A.Z.Dodd “The Essential Guide to Telecommunication” (Pearson)

4. B.A.Farouzan “Data Communication and Networking” 4/e (TMH)

5. S. Rambhandran, “ Telecommunication Principles, Circuits & Systems”, (Khanna Publishers)

6. N.N.Deb: “Telecommunication Engineering” Vol-I & II, New Age

7. J.E Flood: Tele Communication Switching-Traffic & Networks-.(Pearson)

Digital Communication System

Code: EC-502

Contacts: 3-1-0

Credits: 4




Topic Lect/


1. Introduction: Analog and digital communication. Discrete signals. Elements of digital

communication system 1


Source encoding: Pulse code modulation, quantization noise, linear and non-linear

quantization, companding- A-law and µ-law. Differential pulse code modulation, delta

modulation, adaptive delta modulation, Linear predictive coders 5


Baseband transmission: Baseband signal receiver: probability of error calculations, optimum

filters, coherent reception, matched filter and its transfer function. Integrate and dump type

filter. Regenerative repeater, Bit synchronization, Inphase and midphase synchronizer. Early

late gate synchronizer. Frame synchronization.


4. Line coding: Polar/Unipolar/Bipolar NRZ and RZ; Manchester, differential encoding and their

spectral characteristic, self synchronization properties of some of the encoded signal. 2

5. Equalization: Inter symbol interference (ISI), Purpose of equalization, Eye pattern, Nyquist

criterion for zero ISI, fixed equalizer. Design of equalizer, Adaptive equalizer. 4

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Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


6. Digital modulation techniques: BPSK, DPSK. BFSK, M-Ary PSK & FSK, QPSK, MSK,

QASK, Error calculations. 8


Spread-spectrum modulation: Pseudo-Noise Sequence, A notion of Spread Spectrum, Direct-

Sequence Spread-Spectrum with Coherent Binary Phase-Shift Keying, Processing Gain,

Probability of Error, Frequency-hop Spread Spectrum, Code-Division Multiplexing 3


Information theory Discrete and continuous messages, Message source, zero memory source,

Discrete memory-less source, extension of zero memory source, Markov source and their

entropy, Channel with and without memory, Hartley and Shannon’s law. 7


Introduction to Coding Theory: Compact codes, Instantaneous codes, Huffman code, Shanon-

Fano code. Error control and correcting Codes; Linear block codes, Cyclic codes- BCH,

Convolution codes 4

Total lectures 41

Text Books:

1.Taub & Schilling, Principle of Communication System, McGraw Hill.

2.J.G. Proakis, Digital Communications, McGraw Hill.

3. P.K.Ghosh, Principles of communication Engineering Analog & Digital, University Press

Reference: 1.Simon Haykin, Communication System, John Wiley & Sons,

2.Hsu: Analog & Digital Communication, Schaum series, TMH

3.M.B.Pursley: Introduction to Digital Communication, PHI/Pearson

4.B.P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, Oxford University Press.

5.R.P.Singh & S.D.Sapre, Communication Systems 2/e- Analog and Digital , TMH

6.J.G. Proakis, & M.Salehi; “Fundamentals of Communication Systems” Pearson

7.J.G. Proakis, & M.Salehi; “Communication Systems Engineering” 2/e – PHI/Pearson

8.A.Bhattacharya- “Digital Communication”, TMH

9.L.W. Couch II, Modern Communication System, PHI/Pearson.

10.B.Sklar, “Digital Communications- Fundamentals and Applications- 2/e Pearson .

11.W.Tomasi: “Electronic Communication Systems Fundamental Through Advanced” 5/e Pearson

12.Roden, Analog & Digital Communication Systems, 5/e, SPD

13.Dungan, Electronics Communication System, Vikas

14.Zeimer & Tarnter, Principles of Communication, Jaico

15.Rekha, Digital Communications, Scitech

16.Graveno,An introduction to error correcting codes, OUP

17. N.B.Chakraborty & A.K.Dutta “An Introduction to the Principles of Digital Communication”, Newage

18.Couch:Digital & Analog Communication System, Pearson.

Computer Architecture & Organization (EC-503)

L-T-P: 3-1-0

Course content No. of lectures

Module 1:

Introduction: A brief history of computers, difference between computer

architecture & organization


Module 2:

Basics of computer organization: structure of digital computer-CPU, ALU, I/O

devices, Harvard & Neumann architecture.

Module 3: Arithmatic & logic circuits: Serial adder, Ripple carry adder, carry look-ahead

adder, design of floating point adder

Multiplier & divider: Booths multiplier, array multiplier, restoring & non-

restoring divider.

Module 4: Tri-state bus & Bus inter connection: Register transfer & RTL notation.




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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


ALU Design: Combinational ALU & sequential ALU

Instruction Set: Instruction format, instruction types, CPI, MIPS & FLOPS,

addressing modes of Instruction

Module 5: Memory organization: memory technology, types of memory-volatile & non-

volatile, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memory, SRAM, DRAM,

SDRAM, Content addressable memory


Module 6:

Control Unit Design-hardwired control, microprogrammed control, nano-

program control.

Pipeline control Unit-throughput & efficiency, instruction level pipelining

different pipelined stages in CPU, pipeline hazards (data, control & structure).

Cache & virtual memory: Direct, associative & set-associative , Cache miss &

cache penalty, instruction cache & data cache, virtual memory paging


Module 7: CPU organization: Fundamentals, Processor-memory communication with &

without cache, overview of CPU functions, accumulator based CPU.

RISC & CISC based architecture: Examples of RISC processor(SPARC & C

490), introduction to superscalar & VLIW architectures


Module 8: I/O devices & system organization: External devices(key boards, monitors, CD

ROM drive , HDD, Mouse, light Pen etc.), I/O modules, programmed I/O,

interrupt driven I/O.

DMA-I/O processors, parallel processing & multiprocessors


Total lecture hours : 40

Text Books: 1.Computer Architecture & Organization , Hayes, 4/e, MH

2.Computer Architecture , B. Parhami, OUP

3. Computer System Architecture, 3/e, Mano, Pearson/PHI

Reference Books: 1. Computer Organization & Architecture (TMH WBUT Series), Ghosh & Pal,TMH 2.Computer Organization, Hamacher, 5/e, MH

3.Computer Architecture , N.Carter, Schaum Outline Series, MH

4.Computer Organization, ISRD, MH

5.Digital Logic & Computer Organization, V. Rajaraman & T. Radhakrishnan, PHI

6.Computer Architecture, A.S Tannenbaum, Pearson

7. Computer Architecture & Organization, P.Chakraborty, Jaico

8. Computer Architecture & Organization, Govindrajan, MH

9. Computer Architecture & Organization, Stallings, PHI/Pearson.

10. Computer System Organization & Architecture-Carpinelli-Pearson.


L-T-P: 3-1-0

1] Introduction to Control Systems

Introduction to automatic control, open loop and closed loop control system, mathematical modeling of a

system with typical examples. Block diagram representation. [1L]

2] Transfer Function Representation

Transfer function for single input single output system, characteristic equation, poles and zeroes, effect of

parameter variations, effect of feedback on sensitivity gain and stability. Laplace transform effect of steps, ramp

and impulse response on first order, second order and higher order systems in terms of steady state error and

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


time constant, signal flow graph from transfer function and differential equations, block diagram from signal-

flow graph Mason’s gain formula. [5L]

3] State Space Analysis

Advantages of state space techniques, state space representation for electrical network, with order

differential equation, transfer function solution of time-invariant state equation, Laplace transform method,

properties of state transition matrices, solution of non-hom*ogeneous state equations, transfer matrix Eigen

values and vectors, multiple input multiple of system, controllability and observability, Kalman’s test, state

space representation in canonical form – controllable, observable and diagonal commercial form,

decomposition transfer function – direct, cascade and parallel decomposition, effect of pole-zero cancellation.


4] Stability Analysis

Concept of stability effect of location of poles on stability, conditions of stability, Routh Hurwitz criteria,

Relative stability analysis, Root locus, rules for construction of root lock mapping of closed contour and

principle of agreement, Nyquist contour, Nyquist plot, polar plot, Lyapanov’s stability analysis.


5] Frequency domain Analysis

Bode plot, Minimum and non-minimum phase systems, phase margin and gain margin, Relative and

absolute stability, constant magnitude and phase circles (M & N circles) gain adjustment by M-circles. [4L]

6] Compensation Techniques

Types of compensation, design of compensation using Bode’s plot – phase lead and lag network, analysis

using root locus. [3L]

7] Non-linear system analysis

Common types of non-linearities – saturation, dead zone, friction, relays backlash, function description of

the non-linear systems, stability analysis, phase-plane technique-phase trajectory of a second order system using

method of isoclines, asymptotic stability [4L]

8] Controllers

.Response of first order and second order systems with proportional control, derivative control, integral

control, P&D control, P&I control, PID control, practical method.

.Introduction to Digital Control system .PLC & Application Case Studies: Speed control of DC Motors,

Temp control

Introduction to Fuzzy logic applications in control engineering. [11L]

Text Books:

1.Control systems engineering – Nagrath & Gopal, New Age International Ltd.

2.Modern control Engineering, 4/e – Ogata, PHI/Pearson

3. Control System , Madan Gopal, MH

Reference Books:

1. Automatic Control System, Kuo, PHI

2. Control Systems (TMH WBUT Series), Purkait, Satpati, Mondal & Mallik,TMH

3.Digital control & state variables, M.Gopal

4.Control Engineering, Theory & Practice, M.N. Bandyopadhyay, PHI

5. Digital control systems – Kuo, Oxford

6. Systems and Control – Stanislawhizak, Oxford

7. Automatic control systems – S. Hasan Saeed, S.K. Kataria & Sons

8. Neural networks and fuzzy systems – Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall/Pearson.

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


9. Fuzzy Logic Applications in Engineering Science – J. Harries Springer.

10.Introduction to Linear & Digital Control System,-A.K Ghosh, PHI

11.Control System-Theory & Application- S. Ghosh- Pearson.

Microprocessor & Microcontroller

Code: EI(ECE)-502

Credit: 4

1. Introduction to Microprocessors:

The evolution of microprocessors (from 4 bits onwards). Basic functions of a microprocessor. Programmer’s

model, data formats. [1L]

2.Architecture of 8085 microprocessors: Pin-out configuration o 8085, Instruction timing & execution, Demultiplexing & buffering of system buses of

8085 CPU.

Instruction set, classification of instructions, addressing modes, software model of 8085 CPU [4L]

3. Assembly Language Programming using 8085 CPU:

Program writing for different arithmetic operation with 8-bit & 16-bit binary numbers and BCD numbers,

program for searching & sorting. Code conversion, concept of look-up table. Use of SID and SOD pins of 8085,

writing program using time delays & calculation of T-states. Stacks & Sub-routines [6L]

4. Interrupt structure of 8085 & their uses. [3L]

5. Memory & their interfacing: Interfacing of RAM, ROM, EPROM & DRAM etc.Battery backup of memories , EPROM programming

algorithm & its software implementation. [4L]

6. I/O interfacing technique:

Addressing the I/O devices, data transfer schemes-synchronous & asynchronous data transfer, interrupt driven

data transfer, DMA. [4L]

7. Support chips: 8255, 8253, 8251, 8279, 8259, 8237,8212.

Interfacing of DAC, ADC, keyboards, printer, and displays using 8255. [6L]

8. Architecture of 8086/8088 microprocessors: 8086-pin assignment, addressing modes, software model, instruction sets, classification of instructions,

assembly language programming, memory interfacing, interrupts, I/O interfacing, interfacing of support chips,

interfacing of ADC, DAC , keyboards, displays etc. [6L]

9. Introduction to Microcontroller: 8051 microcontroller, 8051 pin description connection, I/O ports memory & memory organization, addressing

modes & instruction set, 8051 assembly language programming, interrupts-a few applications of


Industrial applications of Microcontroller: Traffic Control, Stepper motor, Scrolling Display. [6L]

Text Books:

1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Application-R. Gaonkar, Wiley

2. Advanced Microprocessor & Peripherals-Ray & Bhurchnadi, MH

3. Microcontroller, Deshmukh, MH 2/e

Reference Books: 1. Microprocessor & interfacing, Hall, MH

2. Fundamental of microprocessor, Uday Kumar, Pearson

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


3. The 8051 microcontroller & Embedded System, Mazidi & Mazidi, Pearson/PHI

4. Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Krishnakant, PHI

5. Microprocessor & Peripherals, Chowdhury & Chowdhury, Scitech

6. Advance Microprocessor -Badriram & Badriram-MH

7. 8085 Microprocessor Programming & Interfacing- N.K Srinath-PHI

8. Microprocessor-Theory & Application-M. Rafiquezzaman;PHI

9. Microcontroller & Microcomputer Principles of H/W & S/W Engg. F.M Cady-Oxford.

Microprocessor and Micro-controller Lab

Code: EI (ECE) 592

Contacts: 3P

Credits: 2

Sl. No. Name of the Experiments No.of


1. Study of prewritten programs on trainer kit using the basic instruction set (data transfer,

Load/Store, Arithmetic, Logical) Assignments based on above. 3

2. a) Familiarization with 8085 simulator on PC.

Study of prewritten programs using basic instruction set (data transfer, Load/Store,

Arithmetic, Logical) on the simulator. Assignments based on above


3. Programming using kit and simulator for:

i) Table look up

ii) Copying a block of memory

iii) Shifting a block of memory

iv) Packing and unpacking of BCD numbers

v) Addition of BCD numbers

vi) Binary to ASCII conversion

vii) String Matching Multiplication using Booth’s Algorithm


4. Program using subroutine calls and IN/OUT instructions using 8255 PPI on the trainer

kit e.g. subroutine for delay, reading switch state and glowing LEDs accordingly. 3

5. :Study of timing diagram of an instruction on oscilloscope..


6. Interfacing of 8255: Keyboard and Multi-digit Display with multiplexing using 8255 6

7. Study of 8051 Micro controller kit and writing programs for Interfacing of Keyboard,

DAC and ADC using the kit.


8. Serial communication between two trainer kits 3

Total 30 hours (10 classes each of 3 periods)

Control System Laboratory

Code: EC 583

Contacts: 3P Credits: 2

Sl.No. Name of the Experiment Periods

1. Familiarization with MATLAB Control System tool Box,



2. Determination of step response for 1st order & 2

nd order

system with amity feedback on CRO & calculation of control

system specifications for variations of system design.


3. Simulation of step response & impulse response for Type-I &

Type-II system with unity feedback using MATLAB & pSPICE.


4. Determination of root locus, Bode-plot, Nyquist Plot, using

MATLAB control system toolbox for a given 2nd order transfer

function & determination of different control system


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.



5. Determination of PI, PD, and PID controller action on 1st

order simulated process.


6. Determination of approximate transfer function

experimentally using Bode Plot.


7. Evaluation of steady-state error, setting time, percentage peak

overshoots, gain margin, phase margin with addition of lead

compensator in forward path transfer functions using MATLAB



8. Study of position control system using servomotor. 3

9. Design and hardware implementation of a temperature controller

using microprocessor/microcontroller.


Total 33 hours (11 classes each of 3 periods)

Digital Communication Lab (EC 591)

Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

(Students are required to perform at least ten experiments taking 3 from Group A, 3 from Group B, 3

from Group C and 1 from Group D)

GROUP - A (At least three experiments)

1. Design, implementation and studies of the properties of 15 bit P.N. Sequence using shift register

2. Studies of the properties of A/D and D/A converter (AD7820/ADC0820 and ICL


(Properties like transfer characteristics, code central line method of nonlinearity study, differential

nonlinearity, integral nonlinearity, resolution etc).

3. Study of pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation.

(Studies of distortion factor of the constructed signal as a function of signal frequency &

amplitude. Further study of distortion factor of filtered reconstructed signal as a function of

sampling frequency and thus verify the sampling theorem).

4. Studies of PCM transmitter and receiver.

(To measure the bit rate, bandwidth requirement and distortion factor of the reconstructed signal

in presence of channel noise).

5. Study of line coders: UPNRZ, PRZ, BPRZ, PNRZ

(To study the nature of waveform in CRO and its spectrum by spectrum analyzer. At least any

one of the line coders has to design, fabricated and tested).

6. Studies of Manchester coding and decoding technique.

(Studies of the nature of waveform, spectrum and self-synchronizing characteristic).

GROUP - B (At least three experiments)

7. Studies of PSK modulator and demodulator, connected by physical channel.

8. Studies on FSK modulator and demodulator, connected by simulated channel

9. Studies on ASK modulator and demodulator, connected by physical channel

10. Studies on QPSK modulator and demodulator, connected by either physical or simulated channel

(In all above experiments, nature of the modulated waveform is to be studied by a CRO. The

spectrum is to be studied with a spectrum analyzer and the essential bandwidth is to be

determined; finally the reception quality is to be analyzed by cross co-relation characteristics and

measurement of bit error rate in presence of channel noise).

GROUP - C (At least three experiments)

11. Studies on Delta modulator & Demodulator using trainer kits

12. Studies on Adaptive delta modulation using trainer kits

13. Studies on delta signal modulation using trainer kits

14. Studies on PCM/TDM system (Multiplexing/Demultiplexing)

(Object is to measure distortion factor of the demodulated signal with variable signal amplitude

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


and frequency, measure the essential B.W. of the modulated signal

15. Studies of PCM/TDM system (Multiplexer & Demultiplexer)

(To study the interchannel interference and synchronization problem in multiplexer and

demultiplexer system

GROUP - D (At least one experiment)

16. Studies of direct sequence spread spectrum modulation and demodulation

17. Studies of frequency hopped spread spectrum modulation and demodulation

(To study spreading and dispersing, effect of channel noise, single tone interference etc.

18. Study of features of ISDN network.

19. Study of ISDN Emulator and its programming, using appropriate communication software (like

protocol analyzer software).

Total 30 hours minimum (10 experiments each of 3 periods)

Sixth Semester


Code: HU-601 Basic concepts of management, objectives, classification and hierarchy, different schools of management

thought, principal functions of management, Management as an organizing and directing force, Structure of the

management decision making process, Organization structure, authority and responsibility, Organisation

dynamics, Managerial leadership, communication systems, Managing human factors in business and industry,

Industrial relation, Union activities, trade union acts, collective bargaining, disciplinary procedure.

Organizational objectives and long range forecasting, planning, organizing, programming and controlling

process, managerial control strategies; quantity and quality control, cost benefit analysis, present work and

breakeven analysis, budgetary control, use of management science for the efficient administration of economic

units, production, financial and marketing management.

Adoption of statistical and computer methods and techniques to managerial research and managerial decision

making and general management.

Books: 1. Essentials of Mgmt, Koontz, TMH

2. Industrial Management - S C Jain, W S Bawa, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd.

3. Industrial Management, Vol.1 L.C. Jhamb, EPH,

4. Industrial Engineering & Production Management - Martand Telsang, S. Chand

5. Industrial & Business Management - Martand T. Telsang, S. Chand

6. Introduction to Materials Management - J Tony Arnold & Stephen N. Chapman, Pearson Education Asia

7. Production & Operations Management – Adam, Pearson Education /PHI

8. Altekar, Production Management, Jaico

9. Industrial Relations, Trade Unions & Labour Legislation - Sinha, Pearson Education Asia

10. Business Organisation & Management - Tulsian, Pearson Education Asia.



Contact: 3L+1T


Discrete-time signals:

Concept of discrete-time signal, basic idea of sampling and reconstruction of signal, Sampling Theorem

sequences – periodic, energy, power, unit-sample, unit-step, unit-ramp, real & complex exponentials,

arithmetic operations on sequences.


LTI systems:

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Definition, representation, impulse response, derivation for the output sequence,

Concept of convolution, graphical, analytical and overlap-add methods to

compute convolution supported with examples and exercises, properties of convolution,

interconnections of LTI systems with physical interpretations, stability and causality conditions.



Definition, mapping between s-plane and z-plane, unit circle, convergence and

ROC, properties of z-transform, z-transform on sequences with examples and

exercises, characteristic families of signals along with ROCs, convolution, correlation and

multiplication using z-transform, initial value theorem, Persevals relation, Inverse z-transform by

contour integration, power series & partial-fraction expansions with examples and exercises.


Discrete Fourier Transform:

Brief recapitulation of Fourier Series,

Concept and relations for DFT/IDFT, Twiddle factors and their properties,

computational burden on direct DFT, DFT / IDFT as linear transformations,

DFT/IDFT matrices, computation of DFT/IDFT by matrix method, multiplication of DFTs, circular

convolutions, computation of circular convolution by graphical, DFT/IDFT and matrix methods, linear

filtering using DFT, aliasing error, filtering of long data sequences – Overlap-Add & Overlap Save

methods with examples and exercises.


Fast Fourier Transform:

Radix-2 algorithm, decimation –in time and decimation-in-frequency algorithms, signal flow graphs,

Butterflies, computation in one place, bit reversal, examples and exercises.


Filter Design:

Basic concepts behind IIR and FIR filters, Butterworth IIR analog filter, Impulse

Invariant and Bilinear transforms, design of IIR digital filter, design of linear phase FIR filter with

rectangular window.


Digital Signal Processor:

Elementary idea about the architecture and important instruction sets of TMS320C 5416/6713

processor ( any one ), writing of small programs in Assembly Language.


Text Books:

1. Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms and Applications -

J.G.Proakis & D.G.Manolakis, Pearson Education/ PHI.

2. Digital Signal Processing Signals, Systems and Filters –

A. Antoniou, TMH Publishing Co.

3. Digital Signal Processors Architectures, Implementations and Applications –

S.M.Kuo & W. Gan, Pearson Education

Reference Books:

1. Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach –

S.K.Mitra, TMH Publishing Co,

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


2. Digital Signal Processing – P. Rameshbabu,

Scitech Publications ( India )

3. Digital Signal Processing – S. Sharma,

S.K.Kataria & Sons

4. Digital Signal Processing - S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj & C. Gnanapriya,

TMH Publishing Co.

5. DSP Spectral Computation and Filter Design – C. Chen

Oxford University Press.

6. Digital Signal Processing A Hands on Approach – C. Schuler & M. Chugani

TMH Publishing Co.

7. DSP: System Analysis & Design-Pablo S.R Diniz, Eduardo A.B Desilva & Sergis L. Netts-

Cambridge University Press.

8. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing - Roman Kuc – BS Publications





Simulation Laboratory using Standard Simulator:

Simulation of sampled Sinusoidal signal, various sequences and different arithmetic operations.

Simulation of convolution of two sequences using graphical methods and using commands- verification of the

properties of convolution.

Simulation of z-transform of various sequences - verification of the properties of z-transform.

Simulation of Twiddle factors – verification of the properties.

Simulation of DFTs/IDFTs using matrix multiplication and also using commands,

Simulation of circular convolution of two sequences using graphical methods and using commands,

differentiation between linear and circular convolutions.

Verifications of the different algorithms associated with filtering of long data sequences and overlap-add &

overlap-save methods.

Simulation of DIT & DIF Radix-2 FFT algorithms

Simulation of Butterworth Filter design with different set of design parameters, Simulation of FIR Filters using

Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Bartlett windows and comparisons of these designs.

Hardware Laboratory using either 5416 or 6713 Processor:

Practising of writing & execution of small programs related to arithmetic operations & convolution using

Assembly Language of TMSC205416/6713 Processor, Study of MAC instruction.

Computer Communication and Networking

Code: EC 602

Contacts: 3-1-0

Credits: 4-0-0 Total lectures:40

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Topic Lectures

Review of Computer Communications Foundations

Review of data transmission principles, transmission components; ASK, PSK, QPSK,

QAM, M-ary digital modulation; data compression;


Components of computer network

Hosts, communications channels, terminals, protocols, multiplexers, concentrators etc.

modems and their standards; Error control procedures, point to point, multi-drop, circuit,

message and packet switching;


ISO/OSI Reference model

Seven Layers- their functions and protocols; TCP and UDP; 3

Local Area Networks

MAC protocols; ALOHA; CSMA/CD; Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router and Gateway; LAN

standards and protocols; Ethernet and IEEE802.3; Token Ring, Token Bus, DQDB; High

Speed Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet.


TCP/IP Protocols

Internet Addressing, Routing, Congestion Control, Transport layer protocols: UDP, TCP,

SCTP, Client – Server Model, Application protocols; facsimile transmission, electronic mail,

voice mail, internetworking; case study of computer communication networks.



Switch performance measures Time and space switches, Modular switch design Packet

switch and distributed Buffer


Optical N/W

DWDM, Optical LAN. High- speed Networks-Circuit switched Network: SONET and SDH, 4

Introduction to Network Security

Introduction to Cryptography, Data Encryption standard, RSA Algorithm, Digital signature,

Public keys, IPSec, Firewalls


Advance Networks.

Introduction to Mobile Communication and Networks - their types and basic principles;

ISDN and B-ISDN; ATM- Header structure, Protocol stack, Signaling and Service category,

Virtual Private Networks (VPN), MPLS support for VPN


Text Books:

1. B A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”,4/e, McGraw Hill,2006.

2. A Tanenbarum, “Computer Networks” –4th Edition, PHI, 2004/Pearson Education 4

th Edition.

3. W Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication” –7/e Pearson


1. Leon-Garcia and Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, 2/e McGraw Hill, 2004

2. Zheng - “Communication Networks”- Oxford

3. F Halsall & LG Kulkarni “Computer Networking and the Internet” –– Pearson 5/e.

4. J Martin “Telecommunication and the Computer” 3rd edn., - PHI, 1992

5. ISRD “Data Communication and Computer Networks” McGraw Hill, 2006

6. S.Kundu, “Fundamentals of Computer Networks” PHI

7. Kurose and Rose. “Computer Networks- A Top Down Approach”- 3/e Pearson

8. ISDN and Broadband ISDN – W Stallings 4/e Pearson.

9. Singh, “Data Communication and Networks” 2/e PHI

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Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


10. P.C,Gupta ““Data Communication and Computer Networking”- PHI

11. W.Tomasi “Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”- Pearson

12. S. Keshav “An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking : ATM Networks, the Internet, and the

Telephone Network”, 1/e -- © 1997- Pearson

13. T Housley “Data Communication & Teleprocessing” – BS Publications

Power Electronics


LTP: 3-1-0

Credits: 5 Total Lectures: 40 hours

Sl. No. Topic Lecture


1. Need for Power Electronics Converters; 1

2. Power Electronic Converters - classification and scope; 2

3. Power semiconductor switches, diodes, (convertor grade and fast), SCR,

transistors (BJT, MOSFET and IGBT), Ratings, static and dynamic

characteristics, trigger, drive and switching-aid circuits (snubber) and



4. DC to DC conversion: non-isolated Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and CuK

converters, circuit configuration and analysis with different kinds of

loads, Isolated forward and flyback convertors, Full bridge inverter, Half

bridge inverter, Asymmetric Topology for Single Phase. Converter



5. Rectifiers: single-phase and three-phase operation, power-factor,

R-L, R-L-back emf loads, voltage and current expressions, harmonics;

Active Front End Convertors;


6. Resonant Converters: series, parallel, Series-parallel, quasi-resonant,

Zero-current and zero-voltage convertors;


7. Power Electronic applications: UPS, Power line conditioner, electronic

ballast, induction heating


8. Microprocessor based triggering angle control 2




Text Books:

1. P. C. Sen, "Modern Power Electronics", S. Chand, NDelhi-55, 2004

2. Muhammed Rashid, "Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and

Applications", PHI,Pearson Education N Delhi-1, 1994

Reference Books:

1. Mohan, Udeland, Robbins, "Power Electronics - Converters, Application

and Design, John Wiley and Sons

2. V. R. Moorthi "Power Electronics-Devices,Circuits and Industrial

Applications" Oxford UP, N Delhi-1, 2005

3. M.S.Jamil Asghar, - "Power Electronics” PHI

4. M.D.Singh,and K.B.Khanchandani - "Power Electronics” -2/e McGraw-Hill

VLSI Circuits & Systems


Total lecture Hrs: 40

Lecture Hrs /Week : ( L-T-P: 3-1-0 )

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Digital VLSI Circuits

1. Introduction to ASIC Design (3)

a. Design Strategies: Hierarchy, Regularity, Modularity & Locality

b. Chip Design Options: Gate Array, Field Programmable Gate Array, PLA, PLD, Standard Cell,

Full Custom Design

2. Fabrication & Layout of CMOS (4)

a. Fabrication Process Flow: Basic steps

b. CMOS n-Well Process

c. Layout & Design Rules

d. CMOS inverter Layout Design

3. MOS Inverter Characteristics (3)

a. Transfer Characteristics: MOS with resistive load, n-MOSFET Load (Enhancement &

Depletion), CMOS inverter

b. Transient Analysis of CMOS Inverter and Delay analysis

4. CMOS Logic Circuits (3)

a. NAND & NOR Gates

b. Complex Logic Circuits

c. Pseudo n-MOS logic

d. CMOS Full adder circuit

e. CMOS Transmission Gate (Pass transistor Logic)

5. Advanced CMOS Logic circuits (3)

a. Dynamic CMOS Logic

b. Domino CMOS Logic

c. Differential Cascode voltage switch logic

d. NORA Logic

6. Sequential CMOS logic circuits (3 )

a. Behaviour of Bi-stable elements

b. SR Latch Circuit

c. Clocked JK Latch/Master-Slave JK

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


d. CMOS D-latch and edge triggered Flip-flop

7. Subsystem Design (5)

a. Adders: Carry ahead adder, carry save adder, Manchester carry chain.

b. Multipliers: Serial-parallel Multiplier, array multiplier

c. High Density Memory: ROM, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM, SD RAM, Flash Memory

8. Physical Design (3)

a. Floor Planning Methods: Block Placement & Channel Definition, Global and Channel


Analog VLSI Circuits

9. Introduction: (1)

a. Analog Signal Processing

b. Analog VLSI Mixed Signal Circuits

c. Basic Building Blocks in Analog Circuits

10. Basic Building Blocks: (5)

a. MOS Switches

b. Resistor realisation using Switched Capacitor

c. Voltage level shifter

d. CMOS Current Sources and sinks

e. CMOS Voltage and Current references

f. CMOS Differential Amplifier

g. Output Amplifier

11. Analog Circuits (7)

a. CMOS Operational Amplifier

b. Comparator

c. Switched Capacitor Filter

d. ADC & DAC (FLASH ADC, Delta-Sigma Modulator)

e. Phase locked Loop


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Text Books:

1. Neil H.E Weste, Kim Haase, David Harris, A.Banerjee, “CMOS VLSI Design : A circuits & Systems

Perspective”, Pearson Education (For module 1)

2. Wayne Wolf,” Modern VLSI Design – System-on-chip Design”, Prentice Hall India/Pearson Education

(For module 2,5,6,7,8)

3. Sung-Mo Kang & Yusuf Lablebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, Analysis & Design”, Tata

McGraw-Hill Edition (For Module 2,3,4,5,6)

4. Philips E. Allen & Douglas R. Holberg, “ CMOS Analog Circuit Design” , Oxford University Press

(For Module 9,10,11)


5. David Hodges, Horace G Jackson, & Resve A Saleh, “ Analysis & Design of Digital Integrted

Circuits”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition (For Module 2,3,4,5)

6. Ken Martin,” Digital Integrated Circuits”, Oxford University Press ( For Module 2,4,5,6)

7. R. L. Geiger, P.E.Allen, Noel R. Strader,” VLSI Design techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits”,

McGraw-Hill International Edition.( For Module 9, 10 & 11)

VLSI Circuits & System Lab

EC 694

Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

1. Familiarisation with LASI or equivalent layout tools & Design rules

2. Design layout of a two input CMOS NAND gate using LASI or any equivalent layout tool. Use any

standard Design rules

3. Using LASI, draw the layout of a simple CMOS amplifier

4. Familiarisation with SPICE CMOS Model parameters

5. Using SPICE simulate MOS Inverter with different loads (Specify Cox, µ, VTO, W, L etc. of any standard


6. Using SPICE, simulate a CMOS inverter.

a. Obtain the transfer characteristics for different values of βn/βp

b. Plot Supply current Vs input voltage for different values of βn/βp

7. Obtain the transient response of CMOS Inverter for different values of βn/βp

8. Using SPICE, simulate a simple CMOS amplifier and obtain the transfer characteristics and frequency


9. Using SPICE, simulate a CMOS differential amplifier with a current source. Use <.SUBCKT> command of


10. Draw a full adder using AND/OR/INVERT gates in schematic editor

11. Innovative experiment

12. Innovative experiment

Text Books

1. CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation - R.J.Baker, H.W. Li and D.E. Boyce,PHI

2. Sung –Mo Kang & Yusuf Lablebici, “ CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, Analysis & Design”, Tata


To be decided by the college

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


3. Adel S. Sedra & Kenneth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University


Electronic Circuit Design LAB

EC-683 Objective: To impart the essential knowledge of electronic circuit design and fault analysis, to enhance hands

on experience and to encourage innovativeness.

Modus operandi: The subject will be a sessional subject so that students can employ all their resources in order

to excel.

Total 18 designs have been indicated in the syllabus classified in 4 groups. Each student has to complete at least

8 designs in a semester taking two from each group.

At the end of the semester, the student will be interviewed by a panel of examiners, constituted by the head of

the department/institution.

Guidelines: Each design given in the syllabus indicates the basis. On this basis, the teacher will prepare an

exact design problem with specified parameters and assign to the student.

Objective of the job in brief is also given in the syllabus. As such the teacher can further elaborate or specialize

the problem creating enough room for the student to learn and innovate.

If same job is assigned to more than one student/group, it must be with different parameter values.

The students will find their own design solutions with minimum input from the teacher. Of course there can be

more than one solution but the student should ultimately know their comparative merits/demerits.

The hardware assembly and testing has to be done only during assigned class hours under general supervision of

a teacher. The student must always make a comparative study between the theoretical and measured

performance parameters and analyze their causes.

At the end of each job, the student will prepare a report including detail technical specification of his design,

circuit diagram, design calculations, theoretical & measured values, graphs, references etc.

Scoring: The total score of 100 will be in two parts, e.g. a) continuous evaluation-60 and b) semester end viva-


A full mark of 10 is allotted to each job. At the end of each job, the teacher will evaluate the performance on the

basis of initiative, innovativeness, speed and insight. The sum of 6 such evaluations will make the total for

continuous evaluation.

At end semester, each student will be interviewed to assess his expertise in various facets of electronic design,

and a score out of 40 will be allotted.


1. Rectifiers.

(To design a rectifier for a given average output dc voltage and a given load resistance,

compare between the theoretical values of Vdc, Vrms, RF, HD, output regulation, transformer

utility factor etc. with the measured values, and thus comprehend the relevance/effect of these

various parameters.)

2. DC power supplies regulation and protection circuits.

(To learn designing a series transistor based output regulation circuit, an output current

limiting circuit, fold back circuit needed for a given output parameters.)

3. Single stage audio frequency voltage amplifier with BJT for a given Av, Zin and Zout and maximum

symmetrical out put swing.

(To learn basic design principles, different methods of biasing, bias stability, selection of

transistor from data manuals and effect of ac coupling on bandwidth.)

4. Single stage audio frequency emitter follower with JFET for a given Av, Zin and Zout and maximum

symmetrical out put swing.

(To learn the design principles and applications of an emitter follower.)

5. Complimentary symmetry power amplifier with pre amplifier, if necessary, for a given out put power

to a given load with single ended power supply.

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


(To learn the distinction of a power amplifier over and above a voltage or current amplifier, its

design principles, issues like, efficiency, cross over distortion etc.)

6. RC phase shift Oscillator , Wien Bridge oscillator, Hartley and Colpitt oscillator

( To learn the design of oscillators and measuring the frequency and amplitude of oscillations)


1. Inverting and non-inverting amplifier of given dc gain, input impedance and output impedance.

(To learn the basic design, inter relation between the dc gain and input/output impedances,

offset balance and the relation between feedback and GBW.)

2. Adder and subtractor.

(To learn the basic design and function of a multi input adder/subtractor (with ac and dc inputs

present simultaneously).

3. Comparator/voltage level detector for a given upper threshold level and a given lower threshold level

with facility of independent adjustment of hysteresis and center point.

(To learn the design and the technique of independent adjustment of both hysteresis and center


4. Active filters: LP, BP, HP, 1st order, 2

nd order.

(To learn the design of a filter and it’s inherent phase shifting characteristics.)

5. 555 based monostable and astable of duty cycle below and above 50%.

(To learn designing 555 based timer circuits.)


1. Design and implement a BCD to 7-segment decoder with basic and universal gates.

(To understand clearly the method of writing a truth table, use of K-map, simplifying a logic

function and optimum design with minimum number of ICs and inputs.)

2. Design and implement a 4-digit frequency counter with a clock generator.

(To learn designing a digital circuit using available standard gate, FF, counter and display Ics.)

3. Designing logic circuits using multiplexers, demultiplexers and gates to implement logic functions.

(To learn the use multiplexers and demultiplexers)

4. Design and implement a sequence detector.

(To learn designing a sequential circuit, whose output is 1 or 0 when any input bit is preceded

or succeeded by a predefined binary sequence. To define the input & output sequence from a

given physical problem, to prepare a state diagram, derive a minimal state table, to find the

simplified state equation, to implement the same & verify the result)

5. To design and implement a combination of a logic circuit and a RAM in order to generate a 4-bit data

after simplifying a logic expression, to store the output data at a predefined location in the RAM, to

retrieve the same and verify.

(To comprehend the structure and operating principle of memory devices.)

D. Power Electronics

1. Design a Single-phase full & shaft controlled converter.

2. Design of Microprocessor based Triggering socket.

7th Semester Syllabus

RF & Microwave Engineering

Total Lectures: 41 periods (minimum)

EC – 701

( L-T-P: 3-1-0 ) 1 Introduction:

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


RF & Microwave Spectrum, Historical Background, Typical applications of RF & Microwaves


2 Microwave Waveguides :

Rectangular and Circular Waveguides– Mode structures, Cut-off frequency, Propagation

Characteristics, wall currents, Attenuation constant, waveguide excitations.


3 Waveguide Passive Components:

Waveguide Resonators – Rectangular & Cylindrical; Resonant frequencies, Mode structures, Q-

factor, Co-axial Resonators; Excitation & coupling of cavities, Design of resonators. Periodic



N-port networks – circuit representations, Z-matrix, Y-matrix, S-matrix, transmission matrix,; their

relationships; attenuators, phase shifter, directional couplers, Bethe-hole coupler, Magic tee, hybrid

ring, circulators, isolators, antennas: Horns- sectoral horns, Pyramidal horns, Parabolic reflector,

Cassigran feed, Patch antennas, antenna arrays. Scattering matrix representations of passive

components. Transitions: coaxial lines to waveguide, to micro-strip lines. Design of transitions.


4 Planar structure:

Strip lines, Micro-strip lines, coplanar structure, Slot lines, Suspended strip lines, Fin lines –

Configurations, Field patterns, propagation characteristics, Design considerations. Comparison of

characteristics of lines.


5 Microwave Tubes:

Limitations of conventional tubes in microwaves; Multi-cavity Klystron, Reflex klystron;

Magnetron, Travelling wave tube, Backward wave oscillator – working principles, characteristics.


6 Semiconductor Microwave Devices:

Tunnel diode; Gunn diode–design considerations for their waveguide mount. Avalanche diode –

IMPATT, TRAPATT, Microwave bipolar transistor, hetero-junction bipolar transistor, Microwave

field-effect transistor–JFET, MOSFET, MESFET, Parametric amplifiers; ICs [5]

7 Applications of Microwave

Radar systems – Pulsed radar, MTI, Tracking radars, Altimeter- Principles of operation,


Satellite communication systems - basic working principles. Up-link & down-link gain budgets.

Industrial applications: Process control, Measurement Techniques of parameters, A few examples

of industrial measurements: Thickness of dielectric sheets, diameters of wires, Moisture content in

solid & liquids. Doppler sensors, Microwave heating, its applications. Applicators for bio-med

applications. [5]

8 Microwave Measurements:

Microwave Bench, Slotted line, Tuneable Probe, VSWR Meter, Slide screw tuner, Variable

shorted line – operating principles with diagrams.

Measurements of VSWR – Low, Medium and High, Measurement of Power – Calorimetric

method, Thermocouple, Bolometers, Frequency measurement, Impedance measurement by shift in

minima. Network Analysers, TDR, and Spectrum analyser.


Text Books

1 K C Gupta Microwaves New Age Publishers

2 ML Sisodia & GS Raghuvansi Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices

New Age Publishers

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


3. David M Pozar Microwave Engineering John Willy & Sons Inc.

References Books

1 Robert E Collin Foundation of Microwave Engineering, 2ed edition,

McGraw Hill, Inc.

2 SY Liao Microwave Devices & Circuits Pearson Education /PHI

3 MI Skolnik Introduction to Radar Systems Tata-McGraw Hill

4 PA Rizzi Microwave Engineering-Passive Circuits Pearson Education

5 GP Srivastava & VL Gupta Microwave Devices & Circuit Design PHI

6 S Das & A Das Microwave Engineering Tata-McGraw Hill

Microwave Engineering Laboratory

EC 791

( L-T-P: 0-0-3)

(Students are required to perform at least Ten experiments taking any six from Group A and any four from

Group B)


1. Measurement of wavelength, guide wavelength and frequency using X-band waveguide test

bench. Calculation of broad wall dimension of a X-band waveguide. Determination of phase

and group velocities within a waveguide from Dispersion diagram [ω−β Plot].

2. Measurement of unknown impedance (inductive, capacitive and resonant windows) using shift

in minima technique.

3. Calibration of a crystal detector using waveguide test bench.

4. Measurement of Attenuator [AD – Dissipative attenuation and AR – Reflective attenuation].

5. Measurement of coupling factor and Directivity of a Directional coupler using calibrated


6. Klystron characteristics [Static method and dynamic method] using power meter with

bolometer and calibrated wave-meter.

7. Study of Gunn Oscillator characteristics using power meter with bolometer and calibrated


8. Measurement of reflection coefficient using two directional couplers and one calibrated



1 Measurement of phase shift of a microwave phase shifter

2 Scattering matrix of a magic tee / E-plane tee / H-plane tee using waveguide test bench at X-


3 Measuring of dielectric constant of a material using waveguide test bench at X-band.

4 Measuring of radiated emission in open area test side (OAT)

5 Measurement of Conduction EMI using LISN and spectrum analyser

6 Frequency response of RF amplifier using spectrum analyser with tracking generator

7 Frequency response of low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter using spectrum

analyser with tracking generator

8 Studies on VCO and mixer using spectrum analyser

Reference Books

1. ML Sisodia & GS Raghuvanshi Basic Microwave Techniques and Laboratory Manual

Wiley Eastern Limited 1987

2. EL Gintzton Microwave Measurements, McGraw-Hill Book Co.

3. M Sucher and J Fox, Handbook of Microwave Measurements, Vol I, Wiley-Interscience


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


EDA for VLSI Design


Total lecture Hrs: 40

Lecture Hrs /Week : ( L-T-P: 3-1-0 )

1. Introduction to: (5)

i) Application specific Integrated circuits(ASICs) &design automation.

ii) CMOS Technology and design rules.

iii) PLA, PLD and CPLD

2. Overview of Hardware modeling with VHDL. (5)

3. FPGA Concept ,Architecture and Programming . (3)

4. Simulation of Digital circuits using CAD tools. (2)

5. High Level Synthesis: Datapath and Control synthesis. (4)

6. Logic Level Synthesis and Optimization of Combinatorial and Sequential circuits. (5)

7. Analog Design automation tools.(6)

8. Testing ( Fault modeling, Simulation, Test generation ) and Design for Testability. (4)

9. Physical Design Automation ( Placement , Floor Planning ,Routing). (4)

10. Timing Analysis , Verification and Validation. (4)

Text books:

1. M.J.S Smith , “Application Specific Integrated circuits ” , Pearson education .

2. P.J Anderson , “The designer’s guide to VHDL” , Morgan Kaufman , 2nd edition ,2002.

3. Neil H.E. Weste, Kim Haase, David Harris , A. Banerjee , “CMOS VLSI Design: A circuits and

Systems Perspective”, Pearson Education.

4. W.Wolf ,FPGA System design, Pearson .

5. G.Hatchel and F.Somenzi , logic Synthesis and verification Algorithms,Kluwer,1998


1. http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~msmith/ASIC/HTML/ASIC.htm#anchor935203

2. J.Bhasker ,A VHDL Primer , Pearson publication /BS Publications

3. www.xilinx.com

4. www.actel.com

5. www.altera.com

Electronic Design automation( EDA) Lab


List Of assignments ( L-T-P: 0-0-3)

LAB Hrs: 3 Hrs/Week

(48 Hrs.)

Laboratory 1. Familiarity with Spice simulation tool ( 3 Hrs.)

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Laboratory 2. Spice Simulation of Inverter , NAND , NOR Gates. ( 3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 3 Familiarity with EDA tools for VLSI design /FPGA based system design (6


Laboratory 4. Layouts ,Transistors and tools,. ( 3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 5. Standars cell Design (3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 6. Design of CMOS XOR/XNOR Gates. (3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 7. Design of CMOS Full adder (3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 8. Design of CMOS Flip flops ( R-S ,D , J-K) ( 3 Hr.s)

Laboratory 10. Design of 8 bit synchronous Counter (3 Hrs.)

Laboratory 11. Design of 8 bit bi-directional register with tri-stated input/output bus (3


Laboratory 12 Design of a 12 bit CPU with few instructions and implementation and

validation on FPGA ( 15 Hrs.)

6. M.J.S Smith , Application Specific Integrated circuits ,Pearson.

7. P.J Anderson ,The designer’s guide to VHDL, Morgan Kaufman , 2nd edition ,2002.

8. W.Wolf , Modern VLSI Design: Systems on silicon , Pearson

9. G.Hatchel and F.Somenzi , logic Synthesis and verification Algorithms,Kluwer,1998


6. http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~msmith/ASIC/HTML/ASIC.htm#anchor935203

7. J.Bhasker ,A VHDL Primer , BS Publications/Pearson Education.

Coding and Information Theory

Code: EC 703

Contact: 3-1-0

Credit: 4

No. of Lectures- 44

Module No. Topic Periods

1. Introduction: Coding for reliable digital transmission and storage, Types of codes,

Types of errors encountered, Error Control Strategies. 6

2. Linear block codes: Definition, Syndrome and Error detection, Minimum distance,

Error detecting and Error-correcting capabilities, Standard Array and Syndrome

decoding, Probability of an undetected error for linear codes over BSC, Hamming



3. Cyclic codes: Description, Generator & parity-check matrices of cyclic codes,

Encoding of cyclic codes, Syndrome computation and error detection, Decoding,

Cyclic Hamming Codes, Shortened cyclic codes.


4. BCH codes: Description, Decoding BCH codes, Implementation of error correction,

Non binary BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes, Weight distribution and Error

detection of Binary BCH codes.


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


5. Convolution codes: Encoding, Structural properties, Distance properties, Maximum

likelihood decoding of convolution codes, Viterbi algorithm, Performance bound for

convolution codes, Application of Viterbi decoding.s


6. Information Theory-Basic Definition, Information & Entropy, Shannon’s Charred

Capacity Theorem, Source encoding, Channel capacity of a discrete memoriless

channel, Channel capacity of a continuous channel.


7. Cryptography & Cryptosystems-Encryption & decryption, Public & private key

cryptography, DES algorithm, RSA algorithm, Diffy-Hellman key exchange,

Introduction of quantum cryptography, Applications of cryptography in network

security. 8

Text books:

1. Jones- Information & Coding Theory, -Springer

2. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Crypotography, -MH

3. Wells- Applied Coding and Information Theory -Pearson

References :

1. Gravano: An Introduction to Error control codes, Oxford

2. Trappe & Washington- Introduction to Cryptography With Coding Theory 2/e - Pearson

3. Shu Lin & Costello, Jr. D.J., Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications, PHI.

4. Senn J., “Analysis and Design of Information Systems”, McGraw Hill

5. Roft Johannesson and K S Zigangirov, Fundamentals of Convolutional Coding, University Press

6. Paterson, W.W. and Weldon, Jr. E.J., Error Correcting Codes; PHI

7. Whitten—System Analysios & Design Methods,5/e,MH

8. Murdic RG., Rose J. and Claggtt JR., “Information Systems for Modern Management”, PHI


EC 783

Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

• Students (preferably not more than four in each group) need to complete one project during 7th & 8


semester together.

• It is suggested that the project involves investigative study over & above the routine curriculum and also

hardware activity. It should be result oriented and should explore newer topics.

• Students will finally prepare a comprehensive project report and give a demonstration & presentation of

their project to the class of students and the review committee as nominated by the university.

• Total score of 200 (credit = 6) is distributed in 7th & 8

th semester. Depending on the progress and quality,

each student will be given a score out of 100 at the end of 7th semester, and at the end of 8

th semester.

Group Discussion

EC 784

Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

• Purpose: - To train the students in the art & science of professional speaking and also in presenting

themselves properly to their prospective employers.

• They need to communicate with clarity, structure and conciseness in both one to one and group situations.

They have to gear their presentations to the level of the listener.

• The institute may choose any appropriate method available with them to train the students on this very

important aspect.

• The evaluation should be continuous during the semester and at the end, a total score out of 100 will

allotted to each student.



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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


System Programming & Operating System

Code: EC704A

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

1.0 Assemble Language

Introduction to assembly language, Description of functional

characteristics, addressing modes,Data types and instruction 03

structure, Registers, Indexing, Instruction set description

2.0 Macros

Recursive macros,Stacks, Procedures, exception handling 02

3.0 Assemblers

Overview of assembly process, Processing of imperative, declarative and

assembler directive statements, Relocation, linking and loading concepts, 04

One and two pass assembler, Symbol table organization, program sections,

output forms.

4.0 Macro-assembler

Macro definitions and parameters, Macro call expansion, Macro definition

and macro call within a macro, Conditional assembly macro-processor 03

5.0 Loaders

Review of loading, linking and relocation, Absolute, dynamic and direct 03

loading schemes, program linking schemes and resolution of external

references, Optional features in loaders and linkage editors, Overlay

structures and dynamic loading

6.0 Compiler Construction

Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Lexical analysis, 07

Syntax analysis, Bottom-up and top-down parsers, Translation,

Code optimization, Code generation

7.0 Overview of Operating Systems 04

Introduction to operating systems, Concepts of batch-processing,

Multi-programming, Time-sharing, real-time operations,

Resource manager view, Process view and Hierarchical view of an OS.

8.0 Memory Management

Partitioning, Paging, Demand-paging., Page Replacement 03

9.0 Processor Management

Multiprocessing and Interactive systems, Precedence graphs, 06

Critical section problem, Semaphores, Producer consumer problems,

Classical process coordination problems, Inter process communication,

Conditional critical region, Concurrent languages, Deadlock

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


10.0 Protection 02

Protection policies & mechanisms, Domain of protection, Access matrix




Advanced Engineering Mathematics for Electronic Engineers

Code: EC704B

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

1. Linear Algebra, Matrices, Rank, Determinant, Inversion.

Hermitian, Unitary, Orthogonal & Orthonormal Matrices.

Eigen values & Eigen vectors with examples of Symmetric T & PI network. [12]

2. Complex variable: Derivation of Couchy-Rieman conditions, Equations, Poles & Zeroes, Mapping.

Residue calculus technique, Contour integration technique.

Evaluation of series using contour integration.

Conformal mapping with examples of evaluation capacitances of two wire lines of cross-section (1) Concentric

circles, (2) Confocal ellipses, (3) Two circles of identical radius separated by a distance.

Schwartz Christoffel Transformation. [16]

3. Special Functions: Bessel Function, Neumann Function, Hankel Function, Fourier Bessel Series with example

of frequency, Phase modulation. [8]

4. Legendre Function, Mathiew Function. [2]


5. Partial Differential equations, Green’s function, Transform techniques--- Laplace, Fourier, Hilbert,

Hadamand, Cosine, Bilinear. [12]

6. Wavelet Transform.

Database Management System

Code: EC704C

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

Introduction [4L]

Concept & Overview of DBMS, Data Models, Database Languages, Database Administrator, Database Users,

Three Schema architecture of DBMS. Entity-Relationship Model [6L]

Basic concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Weak Entity Sets,

Extended E-R features. Relational Model [5L]

Structure of relational Databases, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, Extended Relational Algebra

Operations, Views, Modifications Of the Database. SQL and Integrity Constraints [8L]

Concept of DDL, DML, DCL. Basic Structure, Set operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Domain

Constraints, Referential Integrity Constraints, assertions, views, Nested Subqueries, Database security

application development using SQL,PL/SQL, Stored procedures and triggers, Cursors. Relational Database Design [9L]

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Functional Dependency, Different anamolies in designing a Database., Normalization using funtional

dependencies, Decomposition, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Nomalization using multi-valued

depedencies, 4NF, 5NF, 6NF. Internals of RDBMS [9L]

Physical data structures, Query optimization : join algorithm, statistics and cost bas optimization. Transaction

processing, Concurrency control and Recovery Management : transaction model properties, state serializability,

lock based protocols, two phase locking, Deadlocks, Deadlock avoidance, Wait die & wound wait protocol.

File Organization & Index Structures [6L]

File & Record Concept, Placing file records on Disk, Fixed and Variable sized Records, Types of Single-Level

Index (primary, secondary, clustering), Multilevel Indexes, Dynamic Multilevel Indexes using B tree and B+

tree .

Text Books:

1. Henry F. Korth and Silberschatz Abraham, “Database System Concepts”, Mc.Graw Hill.

2. Elmasri Ramez and Novathe Shamkant, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Benjamin

Cummings Publishing. Company?Pearson Education

3. Ramakrishnan: Database Management System , McGraw-Hill

4. Gray Jim and Reuter Address, “Transaction Processing : Concepts and Techniques”, Moragan

Kauffman Publishers.

5. Jain: Advanced Database Management System CyberTech

6. Date C. J., “Introduction to Database Management”, Vol. I, II, III, Addison Wesley. /Pearson


7. Ullman JD., “Principles of Database Systems”, Galgottia Publication.


1. James Martin, “Principles of Database Management Systems”, 1985, Prentice Hall of India, New


2. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe, Addison Wesley

Publishing Edition

“Database Management Systems”, Arun K.Majumdar, Pritimay Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw Hill


Process Control Engineering

Code : EC 704D

Contacts : 3L

Credits : 3



Topic No. of



General Review of Process, Process Control and Automation :Different Process

Variables for process control with case studies, Characteristic parameters of a

typical process plant, a self regulation, potential value, process reaction rate,

process time lag, process resistance and capacitance etc.


2. Characteristics and functions of different modes of control actions – ON-OFF,

Multistep, P, PI, PD, PID controllers. 5

3. Generation of Control Action in pneumatic & electronic controller, construction

of different controllers. 3

4. Tuning of Controller – open loop & closed loop methods. 2

5. Final Control Element – different types of actuators (pneumatic, hydraulic,

electric motor & stepper motor type), 3


Control Valves, valves positioner, trim of control action, valve characteristics,

single & double seated valve, special type of control valves – gate valve,

butterfly valve etc.


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


7. Advanced control strategies – microprocessor/Microcontroller/DSP Processor

based control, PLC, DDC, Introduction of DCS 6

8. Conversion of existing control schemes in operating plants with a complete

example. 2

9. Transmitters – pneumatic, electronic (analog and SMART) 2

Total 30 hrs.

Text Books:s

1. Harriot – Process Control, TMH

2. Johnson – Process Control Instrumentation Technology, - Pearson Education/PHI

3. Bhanot- Process Control: Principles & Applications - Oxford


1. Bequette – Process Control – Modeling, Design and Simulation, PHI

2. Patranabis – Principles of Process Control, MH

3. Patrick, Industrial Process Control Systems, Vikas

4. Considine Doglas M – Process /Industrial Instruments and Control Handbook,-MH

Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence

Code: EC704E

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

Symbolic Reasoning; Intelligent Problem Solving Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill Climbing, Means and

Ends Analysis, Problem Decomposition; Constraint Satisfaction; Production systems, Heuristic Search, Game

Playing, Predicte Logic and Reasoning; Structured Approach to Knowledge Representation; Non-monotonic

Reasoning; Probabilistic Reasoning: Paerl’s Evidential Reasoning, Dempster - Shafer Theory; Machine

Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement Learning and Competitive

Learning; Intelligent planning; Visual and Linguistic Perception; Pattern Clustering and Pattern Classification

Problems- Distinction; Linear and Non-linear Classification; k-means clustering, Fuzzy C-means Clustering;

Hotelling Transform; Principal Component Analysis; Bayes’ Classifier; Neural Net-based algorithms for pattern

classification and clustering; Decision Tree; Applications in image segmentation, machine vision, Robotics and



1] Konar, A. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, CRC Press (Low Priced Indian Reprint).

2] Duda, R. and Hart, P.E., Pattern Classification and scene Analysis, John Wiley (Low Priced Edition).

3] Russel, S. and Norvig, P., Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall (Low Priced

Edition)./Pearson Education.

Telecommunication Network Management

Code: EC704F

Contacts: 3L

Credits: 3

Overview of Data, Telephone and Cable Networks, Information Modeling, Networks Management Overview.

Network Management Protocols. Management Information Bases. Management Platforms. Telecommunication

Management Networks. Intelligent Networking. Examples and Case Studies – Internet, Telephone, Mobile,

CATV, Optical; Networks.

L-T-P: 3-0-0

Module No. Topic Hours

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


1. Overview of Data, Telephone and Cable Networks, Information Modelling, 2

2. Protocols for Telecom Network; Empirically observed network traffic

behaviour and techniques for their management


3. Fundamentals of Network Management (NM). Need for NM, Elements of

NM system (Manager, Agent and a protocol),


4. Functional areas of NM defined by ISO 9000, Fault Management,

Configuration Management, Performance Management, Security

Management, Accounting Management),



NM standards, Management, Information and underlying concepts (SMI,

MIBs, OLD Tree, ASN1, GDMO Object Oriented Design), Management



6. Network Management Protocols - SNMP, SNMPV2, CMIS/CMIP, TMN 5

7. Web based NM (Introduction), WAS frameworks (HP OpenView, IBM

Netview, SUN Solaris Enterprise Manager).


8. Intelligent Networking. Examples and Case Studies – Internet, Telephone,

Mobile, CATV, Optical; Networks.


Total: 30 hours


1. Burke: Network Management Concept and Practice: A hand on Approach-PHI

2. Rozenblit: Security for Telecommunication Network Management- PHI

3. Singh: Network Security and Management-PHI

8th Semester Syllabus

Values of Ethics of Profession


Contact: 3L + 0T

Credit: 3

Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional Activities

Effects of Technological Growth: Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome. Limits of growth:

sustainable development

Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources

Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental Regulations,

Environmental Ethics

Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher; later developments

Technology and developing notions. Problems of Technology transfer, Technology assessment impact analysis.

Human Operator in Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine, interaction, Impact of

assembly line and automation. Human centered Technology.

Ethics of Profession:

Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between business demands and

professional ideals. Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Whistle

blowing and beyond, Case studies.

Profession and Human Values:

Values Crisis in contemporary society

Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life

Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health

Societal values: The modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, values in

Indian Constitution.

Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity, clarity

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgements; canons of ethics; ethics of virtue; ethics of duty; ethics of


References: 1. Stephen H Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineers, John Wiley & Sons,

New York 1994 (2nd Ed)

2. Deborah Johnson, Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1991.

3. A N Tripathi, Human values in the Engineering Profession, Monograph published by IIM, Calcutta 1996.

Advance Communication System


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

Part – I : Optical Communications

1. Introduction to Optical Communication Systems: (1 hour)

2. Optical Fibers: (3 hours)

a. Fiber Structures and Types, Rays and Modes

b. Single-mode and Multimode Fibers, Refractive Index Profiles, Graded Index Fiber

c. Numerical Aperture, Acceptance Angle, V-Parameter

d. Loss mechanisms in Fibers, Loss vs. Wavelength Plot and Its Significance

e. Dispersion Mechanisms in Fibers: Intermodal and Intramodal (Chromatic) Dispersions,

Components of Intramodal Dispersions, Dispersion vs. Wavelength Plots and Their


3. Optical Sources: (4 hours)

a. Desired Features of Optical Sources for Optical Communication and Material Choices

b. LED Structure and Operating Principle

c. LED Modulation Characteristics: Output Power vs. Driving Current, Speed and Bandwidth

d. LED Driver Circuits for Optical Transmitters

e. LASER Structure and Operating Principle

f. LASER Modulation Characteristics: Output Power vs. Driving Current, Threshold Current

and Its Temperature Sensitivity, Speed and Bandwidth

g. LASER Driver Circuits for Optical Transmitters

4. Photodetectors: (2 hours)

a. Desired Features of Photodetectors

b. PIN Diode as Photodetector: Structure, Operating Principle, Shot Noise

c. Avalanche Photodiode (APD) as Photodetector: Structure, Operating Principle, Shot Noise,

Avalanche Multiplication (Excess) Noise

5. Digital Optical Communication Systems: (7 hours)

a. System Block Diagram

b. Optical Receiver Operation: Receiver Block Diagram, Sources of Noise, Preamplifier

Configurations, Transimpedance Amplifier as Preamplifier

c. Bit-Error Rate (BER) Evaluation, Receiver Sensitivity

d. System Power Budget

e. System Rise-Time Budget

Contd. 2


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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Part – II : Wireless Networks

1. Introduction to mobile wireless communication: ( 2 hours )

2. Cellular Mobile Wireless Networks: Systems and Design Fundamentals,

Propagation Models: ( 4 hours )

a. Description of cellular system

b. Frequency Reuse, Co-channel and Adjacent channel interferences

c. Propagation Models for Wireless Networks

d. Multipath Effects in Mobile Communication, Models for Multipath Reception

e. Mobile antenna system

3. Modern Mobile Wireless Communication Systems: ( 9 hours )

a. 2G network Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)

b. Architecture and Protocols Air Interface

c. GSM Multiple Access Scheme, GSM Channel Organization

d. Traffic Channel Multi-frame, Control (Signaling) Channel Multi-frame, Frames,

Multi-frames, Super-Frames and Hyper-Frames

e. GSM Call Set up Procedure, GSM Protocols and Signaling

f. Location Update Procedure, Routing of a call to a Mobile Subscriber

g. The concept of packet data services - 2.5G GPRS networks:

h. The 2.5 G General Packet Radio Services, GPRS Networks Architecture, GPRS Interfaces

and Reference Points, GPRS Logical Channel, GPRS Mobility Management Procedures,

GPRS Attachment and Detachment Procedures

i. Session Management and PDP Context, Data Transfer Through GPRS Network and


j. GPRS Location Management Procedures, GPRS Roaming, the IP Internetworking

Model, GPRS Interfaces and Related Protocols, GPRS Applications

4. Overview of CDMA systems: IS-95 Networks and

The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) (3G) architecture: ( 4 hours )

a. CDMA based IS-95 Systems, forward link and reverse link for IS-95, handoff process in

CDMA based IS-95 network.

b. UMTS Network Architecture –Release 99, UMTS Interfaces

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Contd. 3


Part – III : Satellite Communication

1. Basics of Satellite Communication: ( 2 hours )

a. Satellite frequency bands

b. Basic Satellite system

c. Orbital period and velocity

d. Placement of Satellite in Geo-stationery orbit

2. Antenna and Conversion: ( 2 hours )

a. Paraboloid and Cassegrain antennas

b. Up & Down conversions

c. Conversion Process

d. Transponder and Polarization Hopping

e. Basic Satellite Link

Part – IV : Software Defined Radio

1. Fundamentals of Software Defined Radio: ( 2 hours )

a. Baseband Technology

b. Emergence of Software Defined Radio

c. Evolution of Software Defined Radio

d. Baseband requirements



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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


1. Optical Fiber Communications by J.M.Senior, Prentice Hall

2. Optical Fiber Communications by G. Keiser, McGraw-Hill

3. Wireless Networks, Applications and Protocols by T.S. Rappaport, Pearson Education

4. Wireless Communications and Networking by J. W. Mark and W. Zhuang, PHI

5. Digital Satellite Communications by T.T.Ha, McGraw-Hill

6. Software Defined Radio: Baseband Technologies for 3G Handsets and Basestations by

W.H.W.Tuttlebee, John Wiley

Advance Communication Lab

EC892Contact: 3P

Credit: 2

Students are required to complete minimum 10 experiments, taking at least 4 from each group

A. Optical Communication System:

1. Measurement of numerical aperture of an optical fiber

2. Measurement of propagation loss, bending loss and connector loss in an optical fiber

3. Studies of LASER characteristics

4. Measurement of wavelength of an optical fiber source

5. Setting up a fiber optic analog link, study of PAM

6. Studies of Frequency Division Multiplexing and De multiplexing

7. Setting up a fiber optic data link and study of TDM

8. Setting up a PC to PC communication link using optical fiber

B. Wireless communication System (Experiments are to be performed in simulated platform or in

experimental models):



3. Studies on satellite communication system – to set up active and passive satellite communication link, to set

up an FM / FDM satellite link, to measure the path loss and propagation delay in a satellite link, to

communicate voice signal through satellite link, use different combinations of uplink and downlink

frequencies to check the communication link, to transmit and receive various waveforms from a function

generator through a satellite link


5. Studies on Blue tooth system – to understand concept of Blue tooth technology, to study RF module, RS-

232C serial communication, Blue tooth protocol, different types of Blue tooth network

6. Studies on wireless LAN


Software Engineering


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

1.Introduction to Software Engineering (1 Hr) 1.1 Concept of Software and Software Engineering

1. 2Difference between Software and Systems Engineering

1.3 Introduction to Software Process and Software process model

1.4 Concept of Software Products

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


2 The Process (4Hrs)

2.1 The Software Process Model

2.2 Data Flow Diagrams

2.3 Petri Net Models

2.4 Object Models

2.5 Use Case Diagrams

2.6 Sequence Diagrams

2.7 Hierarchy Diagrams

2.8 Control Flow Graphs

2.9 State Diagrams

2.10 Lattice Models

2.11 Concept of UML

3.Software Project Planning : ( 2 Hrs )

3.1 Project Scheduling and Tracking

3.2 Software Configuration Management

3.3 Project Planning

3.4 WBS–Work Breakdown Structure

3.5 PERT–Program Evaluation and Review Technique

3.6 Software Cost Estimation

3.6.1 Different models like Cocomo model,

4. Software Project Management (4 Hrs)

4.1Project Management Concepts & Team Approaches

4.2 Critical Practices

4.3Personal Software Process

4.4 Earned Value Analysis

4.5 Error Tracking

4.6 Postmortem Reviews

4.7 Software Process and Project Metrics

5. Risk Analysis and Management (2Hrs)

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Risk Identification

5.3 Risk Estimation

5.4 Risk Exposure

5.5 Risk Mitigation

5.6 Risk Management Plans

6. Requirement Analysis and Software requirement specifications (4Hrs)

6.1 Feasibility study

6.2 Introduction to requirements analysis

6.3 Steps for requirements Analysis

6.4 Defining the new System

6.5 Software requirement specifications

6.6 Documentation

6.7 Case studies

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


7.Software Design & Development (5Hrs)

7.1Introduction to Software design & methodology

7.2 Phases of the Design Process

7.3 Design Concepts & approaches

7.4 Representing algorithm for Software development

7.5 Top down programming

7.6 Architectural Design

7.7Deciding the operating Systems

7.8 Design of Data bases

7.9 User Interface Design

7.10 Component-Level Design

7.11 Design of forms and reports

7.12 Design of web applications

7.13 Case studies

8.Software Coding (3Hrs)

8.1Coding Languages-A review

8.2 Coding tools

8.3 Selection of Coding Languages

8.4 Coding Errors

8.5 Software Coding Standards & good Coding practices

8.6 Coding verification and validation

9. Software Testing (4Hrs)

9.1 Introduction to software testing and its importance.

9.2 Software Testing Process & methods

9.3 Source code testing

9.4 Testing Software Usability,Reliability and Performance

9.5 Automated testing

9.6 Data Flow Testing

9.7 Random Testing

9.8Boundary Testing

9.9 Software testing tools

9.10 Case studies

10. Software Quality Assurance (3Hrs)

10.1Software Measurement Theory

10.2 Introduction to Software Metrics

10.3 Product Metrics

10.4 Process Metrics

10.5 The GQM Approach

10.6 Formal Inspections and Technical Reviews

10.7 Software Reliability

10.8 Statistical Quality Assurance

11.Object Oriented Software Engineering (4Hrs)

11.1Object-Oriented Concepts and Principles

11.2 Object-Oriented Analysis

11.3 Object-Oriented Design

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


11.4 Object-Oriented Testing

11.5 Software re-usability

12. Software Security (2Hrs)

12.1 Introduction to Software Security

12.2 Security attacks and Security threats

12.3Ensuring security in business environments.

12.4 Security standards

12.5 Forming security policy and security audit

13.Software Maintenance (2Hrs)

13.1Software maintenance concept in general

13.2 Importance of Software maintenance

13.3 Code Transformation

13.4 Upgrading Software

13.5 Software maintenance model

13.6 Maintenance of Legacy applications

13.7Case studies

Text book: Pressman, “ Software Engineering”

Reference books: 1.Pankaj Jalote, “ A Concise introduction to Software Engineering”, springer ,ISBN-978-1-84800-


2.Ali Behforooz and Frederick J. Hudson, “ Software Engineering Fundamentals” ,Oxford

University Press, Indian edition , ISBN -13:978-0-19568146-8

3.Rajib Mall ,“ Fundamentals of Software Engineering ” ,PHI learning private limited , 2nd

edition, ISBN-978-81-203-2445-9

4. K.L James, “Software Engineering Fundamentals” , PHI learning private limited , ISBN-978-81-


Embedded System


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

1.Introduction: ( 1 Hr)

1.1) Basics of Embedded computer Systems 1.2) List of various applications 1.3) Difference between

embedded computer systems and general purpose computer Systems. 1.4)Characteristics of embedded systems

1.5) Classifications of embedded systems. 1.6) Market trend

2.Hardware Software co- design: ( 2 Hrs)

2.1) Co-Design Types:-i) Microprocessors/Microcontrollers/DSP based Design ii) FPGA / ASIC / pSOC based

Design iii) Hybrid Design .

2.2 ) Methodology : i)System specifications ii)) co-specifications of hardware and software) iii))System Design

Languages (capturing the specification in a single Description) iv)System modeling /simulation v)Partitioning

(optimizing hardware/software partition) vi) Co-verification (simulation interaction between custom hardware

and processor) f)Co-implementation vii) Embedded Systems Design development cycle.

3.Data-flow in Embedded systems ( 6 Hrs.)

3.1) Introduction to Signals and conversion of Signals : i)ADC/DAC ( successive approximation , Dual slope ,

Flash , Sigma –Delta) , ii) Sensors and Transducers ( CCD devices, microphone , pressure / temperature sensors

etc.) iii) Interfacing of ADC, DAC with the Processors. (4 Hrs)

3.2) Introduction to Digital Signal Processing [ In brief] : Review of i) Sampling of analog signals ii) Discrete

time signals iii) Convolution , DFT , FFT iii) Z transform ( 2 Hrs)

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Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


4.Embedded System design issues ( 26 Hrs.)

4.1)Hardware issues :

4.1.1 Processors: i) Classification of Processors ii) Architecture of General purpose embedded processor ( ARM

Processor ) iii) Architecture of DSP Processors ( TI 6000 series / Freescale 56800/E). ( 8 Hrs)

4.1.2 Memory : i) Organization of SRAM , DRAM , SDRAM , Flash memory , EEPROM, ii)Interfacing with

CPU iii) issues ( speed, cost). (3 Hrs)

iv) Cache memory and cache controller ( Cost and performance , L1 and L2 cache ,address mapping , Direct

map cache , set associative cache , I cache / D cache ) ( 3 Hrs)

4.1.3 Introduction to Programmable Peripheral Devices: i) ( UART , DMAC , HDLC , Interrupt controller etc.).

ii) Interfacing with processor . ( 4Hrs)

4.1.4 Programmable Hardware :i) Concept of PLD , CPLD ii) Basic concept & architecture of FPGA . ii)

Interfacing an FPGA with CPU iii) FPGA Configuration & interfacing with I /O devices . ( 4 Hrs.)

4.2) Software issues : i) Programming Languages ii) Time Criticality iii) Introduction to “Real time operating

Systems(RTOS)” ( concept of real-time systems , need of RTOS , structure of RTOS , device drivers.) (4Hrs)

5. Testing & Debugging: ( 3 Hrs.)

5.1) Hardware Test methodology: bare board testing , functional testing , testing using ICE/ Logic analyzer ,

JTAG 5.1.1) Details about JTAG 5.2)Software Test methodology : White box testing , Black box testing .

6. Design examples and case studies: ( 2 Hrs.)

6.1) Applications: i) DTMF detection ii) Adaptive Echo cancellation

Distributed Computing


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

Digital Image Processing


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

Introduction, image definition and its representation, neighborhood, Image capturing techniques.

Orthogonal transformations like DFT , DCT , Wavelet

Enhancement / Restoration: contrast enhancement, multi-scals / multi-resolution enhancement

Smoothing and sharpening, least square restoration, constrained least square restoration, Wiener


Segmentation: pixel classification, global/local gray level thresholding, region growing,

split/merge techniques, model based – Facet model, edge detection operators, Hough transform.

Image feature/primitive extraction, component labeling, medial axis transform,

skeletonization/ thinning,shape properties, textural features-moments, gray level co-occurrence

matrix, structural features, fourier descriptor, polygonal approximation.

Compression: coding, quantization, spatial and transform domain based compression.

Color image processing: color model, enhancement, and aegmentation.

Content-based image retrieval.

Few applications of image processing,



1. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education Asia, 2004

2. Anil k Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Picture Processing, Prentice Hall

India, 1998.


3. M. Sonaka, V. Hlavac and R. Boyle,Image Processing Analysis and Machine

Vision, PWS Publishing, 1999.

4. S.K. Pal, A.Ghosh, and M.K. Kundu, Soft Computing for Image Processing, Physica

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Verlag, (Springer), Heidelberg,1999.

5. D. Salnmon, Data Compression: The Complete References, Springer Verlag, 2004.

Prentice Hall of India, 1997.

6. R. M. Haralick and L. G. Shspiro, Computer and Robot Vision, Vol. 1 & 2, Addison-

Wesley, 1992.

7. N. S. Kopeika, A system Engineering Approach to Imaging, Prentice Hall of India, 2003

Modern Control Systems


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

State Function and Lyapunov Functions: Review of the concept of stability and state variable representation,

Stability by the direct method of Lyapunov, Its advantage over classical methods; Lyapunov stability theorems,

Generation of Lyapunov functions for autonomous linear systems, Estimation of settling time using Lyapunov

functions, Examples, [ 5 lectures]

Sampled Data Control System:

Advantage and Disadvantage of Digital Control:

The Z Transform, The Residue Method, Inverse Z Transforms

Block Diagram Algebra for Discrete Data System, Limitations of the Z-Transformation Method, Frequency

Domain Analysis of Sampling Process, Data Reconstruction

Zero Order Hold, Discrete State Equation, The Solution of Discrete State Equations, the Recursive Method,

Stability of Discrete Linear Systems

Jury’s Stability Test, Steady State Error for Discrete Systems

State Feedback Design for Discrete Systems, Predictor Estimator. [ 8 lectures]

Fuzzy Logic for Control systems :

The Concept of Fuzzy Logic and Relevance of Fuzzy Control , Advantages of Fuzzy Controller Potential Areas

of Fuzzy Control, Benefits of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Logic Based Control System, Fuzzy Sets and


Basic Definitions of Fuzzy Sets and Terminologies, Set-Theoretic Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy

Complement, Union and Intersection, T-Norm, T-Conorm, MF Formulation and Parameterization, MF’s of

One Dimension,

From Numerical Variables to Linguistic Variables , Term Sets of Linguistic Variables

Classical Relations and Fuzzy Relations, Cartesian Product, Relations: Crisp

and Fuzzy, Extension Principle, Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical Syllogism:

Interpretations of Fuzzy If-Then Rules, Basic Principles of Approximate Reasoning

Representation of a Set of Rules, Approximate Reasoning with Multiple Conditional Rules

[ 10 lectures]

Fuzzy Logic-Based Control: The Structure of Fuzzy Logic-Based Controller, Knowledge Base

Rule Base, Contents of Antecedent and Consequent of Rules

Derivation of Production Rules, Cardinality of a Term Set, Inference Engine, Special Cases of Fuzzy

Singleton, Reasoning Types

Fuzzification Module, Fuzzifier and Fuzzy Singleton, Center of Area Defuzzifier, Center Average

Defuzzifier,Examples of Fuzzy Control System Design : Inverted Pendulum

Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller in SIMULINK and MATLAB Environment

Iterative Design Procedure of a PID Controller in MATLAB Environment

Simulation of System Dynamics in SIMULINK for PID Controller Design

Simulation of System Dynamics in SIMULINK for Fuzzy Logic Controller Design

[ 9 lectures]

Optimal Control: Introduction to Optimal Control Problem:

Performance Index ; Calculus of Variations, Functions and Functionals

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


The Fundamental theorem of the Calculus of Variations, Extrema of Functionals of a Single Function and n

Functions, Euler Equation

Optimal Control Problem, Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle

The LQ Problem, the Hamilton-Jacobi Approach

The Matrix Riccati Equation, Finite Control Horizon

Linear Regulator Design (Infinite-Time Problem ), Optimal Controller for Discrete System, Linear Digital

Regulator Design ( Infinite-Time Problem ) [ 8 lectures]


1. Ajit K Mandal, “Introduction to Control Engineering : Modeling , Analysis and Design” New

Age International (P) Ltd , Second Edition, New Delhi, 2006

2. M. Gopal “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, 2nd Ed. Tata McGraw-Hill,

New Delhi, 2002

Reference Books: 1. Franklin, G. F., J. G. Powell, and M. L. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems , 3

rd Edition,

Pearson Education , Inc Reading Mass, 2000.

2. Fuzzy Logic:


Internet Technology


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4



Topic Hrs

1. Introduction : The need for Internet, Internet protocols, TCP/IP protocol stack, Internet

services, and standardization, Review of Network technologies.


2. Internetworking Architecture: Architectural model, Application level interconnection,

Network level interconnection, Properties of the Internet, Internet Architecture,

Interconnection through IP Gateways and routers, Internet and Intranet


3. Internet Address : Universal identifiers, Three primary classes of IP addresses,

Classless IP address, Network and Broadcast addresses, Mapping Internet addresses to

physical addresses (ARP), ARP protocol format, Transport Gateways and subnet

addressing, Multicast addressing


4. Internet Protocol : Internet Architecture and Philosophy, The concept of unreliable

delivery, Connectionless delivery system, The Internet Datagram, Routing direct and

indirect delivery, Table driven IP routing, Protocol layering, Reliable stream transport,

TCP performance, Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP).


5. Routing in Internet : The origin of Gateway routing tables, Original Internet

Architecture and Cores, Core Gateways, Automatic route propagation, Vector distance

routing, Gateway to Gateway Protocol (GGP), Autonomous system concept, Exterior

Gateway Protocol (EGP), Interior Gateway Protocol (RIP, OSPF, HELLO), Border

Gateway Protocol (BGP), Routing Information Protocol (RIP).


6. Wide Area Networking : Broadband at the Metropolitan area networking, Concepts of

Packet Switching, High speed dedicated WAN services and switched WAN services,

Frame relay, Virtual Private Network (VPN)


7. Internet Servers : DNS, DHCP Servers, FTP, TELNET, E-Mail , VOIP 4

8. Firewall & Networking : Concepts of Firewall, Configuration of firewall, Firewalls &

SSL, SSL implementation, Bit implementation of SSL, Use of SSL.


Text Books 1. Computer Networks and Internets - Douglas E. Comer; PE.

2. TCP/IP protocol suite - Forouzan Behrouz A; TMH

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Reference Books:

1. Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers- Y Zheng & S Akhtar- Oxford

2. Communication Networks - Leon-Garcia-Widjaja; TMH.

3. Internetworking with TCP / IP - Douglas E .Comer; PE.

4. Computer Networking and the Internet - Halsell & Kulkarni- Pearson

5. Computer Networks – Andrew S. Tanenbaum; PHI.

6. Data and Computer Communication - William Stallings; PHI.

7. The Complete reference of Networking - Craig Zacker; TMH.

Medical Electronics


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

Total Lectures: 40

1] Human Biology:- (10L)

Basic concepts of Quantitative Physiology, Microbiology and Immunology. Notion of nervous system,

respiratory system, circulatory system and excretory system with special emphasis on origin and

alteration of physiological potentials for measurement of different pathophysiological parameters in these


2] Basic Concepts of Medical Instrumentation (8L)

Medical measurements and their associated constraints, classification of biomedical instruments,

interfering and modifying inputs, compensation techniques, generalized static and dynamic characteristics

commercial medical instrumentation development process, regulation of medical devices.

3] Basic Sensors and Principles (6L)

Inertial sensors for measurement of pressure and flow, optical sensors for measurement of oxygen

content, vitreo-retinal functions, thermal sensors, biosensors for bacteria detection, electrochemical


4] Biopotentials and measurements (8L)

Origin of biopotentials and their measurements like ENG, EMG, ECG, ERG, EEG. Principles of

construction and operation of biopotential measuring equipments. Signal processing of biopotentials.

Analysis of non-stationary data with special emphasis on electroencephalographic data processing.

5] Measurements of physiological parameters (8L)

Description and principles of operation of analog and digital circuits for signal conditioning of

biomedical sensor outputs with special emphasis to signal modulation, encoding and interfacing and

electrical safety, blood pressure measurement, flow measurements and analyses by Brookfield cone-plate

viscometer, Cahn surface tension balance and electronetics bubble pulsating surfactometer, measurement

of respiratory parameters by spirometer, blood glucose measurement by Doppler Ultrasonography;

medical imaging systems like CAT Scan, MRI, USG etc.

Test Books:

1] Medical Instrumentation:- Application and Design – John G. Webster (John Wiley & Sons).

2] Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements– Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer


3] Electronics in Medicine and Biomedical Instrumentation- Nandini K. Jog (PHI)

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Reference Books:

1] Time, Frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing – Metin Akar (IEEE Press)

2] Physiological Control Systems: Analysis, Simulation and Estimation – M.C.K. Khoo (IEEE Press)

3] Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Image Processing Perspective- Z.P. Liang, P.C. Lauterbur

(IEEE Press)

Mobile Computing


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

1. Introduction:

Wireless Communication Fundamentals: Wireless transmission, Frequencies for radio

transmission, Signal Propagation, Modulations- Spread spectrum – MCA, SDMA, FDMA,

TDMA, CDMA, Cellular wireless Networks.

2. Wireless access protocols:

IEEE 802.11 standard, WLAN Family, WLAN transmission technology, WLAN system

architecture, Collision Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) and

CSMA Collision avoidance ( CSMA/CA), 802.11 PHY and MAC layers, IEEE 802.11

Distributed Co-ordinate System (DCF) and Point Co-ordination Function (PCF), WLAN

family, HyperLAN, Bluetooth, Brief overview of WiMAX for wireless broadband


3. Basic mobility management in Wireless Networks:

Handoff and location management, Basic Mobile IP operations, types, concepts, Four basic

entities for MIPv4, Mobile IPv4 Registration, Tunneling, MIPv4 Reverse Tunneling, MIPv4

Triangular Routing.

4. Mobile Network Layer Considerations:

Limitations of MIPv4, MIPv6 and HMIPv6, Dynamic Host Configuration protocol, Micro-

mobility solutions to the host mobility problem, Routing in Mobile ad-hoc network, DSDV,

DSR, AODV, Alternative metrics.

5. Transport Layer Considerations:

Traditional TCP, Classical TCP improvements- WAP, WAP 2.0.

6. Mobile Operating Systems:

PalmOS, Pocket PC and Windows CE, Embedded Linux and other Mobile Opearting


7. Application Layer Considerations:

Adaptation, Disconnected operations, Mobile Agents, Business implications and mobile

commerce. Emerging Technologies such as Wearable Computing- challenges and concerns.


1. Mobile Computing by Raj Kamal, Oxford Higher Education University Press, New Delhi.

2. 802.11 Wireless LAN Fundamentals by Pejman Roshan & Jonathan Leay, Pearson Education, New


GPRS Networks by Geoff Sanders, John Wiley and sons, England

Remote Sensing


Contact: 3L + 1T

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Credit: 4

Concept of Remote Sensing : Intooduction , Distance Remote Sensing , Remote Sensing Process , Sources of

Energy , Interaction with atmosphere , Advantage of remote sensing , Limitation of remote sensing , Ideal

remote sensing . 3

Global Positional System : Concepts , Functions and advantages of GIS , Process of GIS , Planning ,

Implementation Management of GIS , Data models of GIS. 4

Photogrammetry : Introduction , Developement and Classification , Sterio model complitation , Stereoscopic

3D viewing , Measurement and extraction 4

Orthorectification : Low and High resolution DEM , Multiimage fusion , Spatial domain fusion , spectral

domain fusion , Scale -space fusion. 4

Image Processing : Visual image interperetation , Digital image processing , Data integration , Analysis and

presentation , Thermatic maps , Thermal image interpretation 4

Noise and Correction : Noise reduction , Global noise , Sigma filter , Local noise , Periodic noise , Radiometric

calibration , Distortion correction 3

Electromagnetic Radiation : Introduction , Electromagnetic Spectrum , Radiation laws , Interaction with

atmosphere and surfaces 2

Sensors : Introduction , Photograpic Sensors, Multispectral remote sensing system , Thermal remote sensing

system , Microwave remote sensing system , Atmospheric sensors-Radar , LIDAR , SONAR


Modern trends in GIS : Local and global concepts , Increase in dimension of GIS , Linear and Non linear

techniques in GIS , 3D GIS , Mobile GIS , CGIS. 8


1. Remote Sensing and GIS - B Bhatta ( Oxford )

3. Introduction to Remote (3rd Ed) -J. B. Campbell (Taylor and Francis)

3. Remote Sensing of the environment (2nd Ed )- J. R. Jenson ( Pearson Education )


1. Remote Sensing (2nd Ed) - R. A. Schowengerdt (Elsevier)

2. Satellite Remote Sensing of Natural Resources - D . L. Verbyla (CRC Press)

3. Furure Trends in Remote Sensing -P. Gudmandsen (Editor) A. A . Balkema / Rotterdam

Microwave Circuits and Systems


Contact: 3L + 1T

Credit: 4

1. Microwave transmission lines:

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West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Revised Syllabus of B.Tech in ECE up to 8th Semester (To be followed from the

academic session, July 2006 ,i.e. for the students who were admitted in Academic

Session 2005-2006).The syllabi of other semester will be published soon.


Introduction to transmission lines-- waveguides, strip-lines, micro-strip lines, fin-lines, inverted-strip-

lines. Reflection coefficient, Transmission coefficient, VSWR, Impedance transformation in RF lossless

lines. Impedance measurement.

Introduction to multi-port junctions: T-networks, Magic Tee, Directional couplers, Circulators.


2. Matrix description of multi-port network

Definitions of a multi-port networks; Matrix description of N-port networks; Impedance, Admittance

and Scattering matrix of N-port networks, Relations between the matrices of N-port networks. Reciprocal,

Loss-less, Symmetrical multi-ports. Properties of Microwave junctions.


3. Methods of Microwave circuit analysis Transmission Matrix; Analysis of Cascaded networks; Reciprocity, Lossless-ness and Symmetrical

conditions for Microwave 2-port junctions. Elementary 2-port junction, 3-port power dividers- Properties.

Even- and odd-mode analysis. Directional Couplers - coupled TEM-Mode transmission lines. Different

types of directional couplers. Scattering Matrix of two cascaded multi-ports. Generalized scattering matrix.

Signal Flow Graph- Applications. Discontinuities. Modal analysis. Excitation of waveguides.


4. Impedance matching and tuning

Analytic Solutions, Smith chart solutions; Single-stub tuning – series and shunt tuning, Double-stub tuning,

Quarter-wave transformer. Binomial transformer, Chebyshev transformer – Chebyshev polynomials,

transformer design. Tapered lines.


5. Microwave Filters and matching circuits

Periodic structures, Filter design - Image Parameter Method, Insertion Method, Filter Implementation,

Couple-line filters, Filters using coupled resonators. [6]

6. Microwave systems Antennas – Pattern characteristics, efficiency, Gain & Temperature. Smart Antenna, MIMO, Microwave

communication systems – Friis power transmission formula, Noise in microwave transmitters & receivers,

Principles and applications of RFMEMS, Industrial application of microwave.


Recommended Books:

1. Microwave Engineering 3

rd Edition, David M Pozar, John Wiley and Sons, 2005

2. Foundation of Microwave Engineering, R E Collin, McGraw Hill International;

3. Microwave Devices & Circuit Design, Ganesh Prasad Srivastava & Vijay Laqxmi Gupta,

PHI, 2006.

Reference books:

1. Measurement & Instrumentation: Trends & Applications. Edited by M K Ghosh, S Sen & S

Mukhopadhyay, Ane Books India. 2008.

2. Microelectromechanical (MEMS) & Nanotechnology (NT) Based Sensors & Devices for

Communication, Medical & Aerospaced Applications, Dr A R Jha, CRC Press, 2008.

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Is West Bengal board hard? ›

WB board is way harder than CBSE in the sense that scoring high marks is not so easy here, unlike CBSE. You have to study 6 subjects in WB board and 5 main subjects in CBSE (there is a 6th subject as well).

What is the new name of West Bengal University of Technology? ›

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) is a public university located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It was established in 1998 by the West Bengal Government. MAKAUT provides undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in engineering, technology, and allied sciences.

Is 570 a good NEET score in West Bengal? ›

For no categories except SC and ST is 570 marks a good score for centralized admission through MCC counselling. Such candidates shall partake in the counselling held at the state level to get admission to private colleges.

Is West Bengal University of Technology good? ›

Rankings & ratings

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal is one of the top public universities in Haringhata, India. It is ranked #=106 in Asian University Rankings - Southern Asia 2024.

Is WB board easier than CBSE? ›

) Syllabus – The syllabus of CBSE is considered far easier compared to State board. State board syllabus is considered to be high on content because it has innumerable facts and details difficult to digest.

What is the passing percentage of West Bengal Board? ›

The overall pass percentage of the WB Class 10 board exams is 86.31%. Kalimpong district has the highest pass percentage of 96.2%, followed by East Midnapore with 95.4% and third is Kolkata with 91.6%.

Which state board is the easiest board in India? ›

CBSE is considered as an easy board comparatively as CBSE only follows the NCERT curriculum. ICSE is very vast in comparison and NIOS has a lot of syllabus to cover. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ISCE) is a private national-level board of education in India.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.