1. Aeorian Protective Chestplate - Critical Role Wiki - Fandom
Aeorian Protective Chestplate is a piece of armor found on the remains of one of the security guards in the Genesis Ward of the ruins of Aeor.
Aeorian Protective Chestplate is a piece of armor found on the remains of one of the security guards in the Genesis Ward of the ruins of Aeor.[4] The chest plate is inscribed with sigils and runes along the edges of the plates, and the shoulders come to points.[5] It grants the wearer +1 to AC, and, as a bonus action, the wearer can activate it granting themselves 5 temporary hit points at the start of each turn for a minute.[6] The Mighty Nein found the chest plate in a room on B-3 in the Genes
2. Aeorian Protective Chestplate - Critical Role - Miraheze
26 nov 2023 · Aeorian Protective Chestplate is a piece of armor found on the remains of one of the security guards in the Genesis Ward of the ruins of Aeor.
Official art of Caduceus Clay wearing an Aeorian Protective Chestplate, by Hannah Friederichs.[art 1]
3. Green Beetle Breastplate | Critical Role Wiki - Fandom
The Green Beetle Breastplate is made of a greenish-blue pearlescent metal fashioned to appear like beetle chitin, and is covered in lichen.
The Green Beetle Breastplate is a piece of armor owned and worn by Caduceus Clay and temporarily lent to Jester Lavorre. The Green Beetle Breastplate is made of a greenish-blue pearlescent metal fashioned to appear like beetle chitin,[5] and is covered in lichen.[6] It initially granted an AC of 14 plus the wearer's dexterity (max of 2), in line with a typical breastplate.[7][8] Later, Pumat Sol enchanted the armor to have a +1 bonus to AC at Caduceus's request.[9] The armor was created for Cadu
4. Category:Armor - Critical Role - Miraheze
16 sep 2020 · Aeorian Protective Chestplate · Armor of Resistance · Armor of the Valiant Soul. C. Coldsnap Leather Armor. D. Deathwalker's Ward. E. Elven ...
5. Monster Analysis: Aeorian Abomination - CritRoleStats
16 dec 2020 · Armor Class 19. Speed 30 ft. Resistant to fire, cold, lightning, and nonmagical weapon damage. Immune to acid damage. Immune to charmed, stunned ...
See AlsoFree Valentines Coloring PagesThanks to @Errorlot for this art piece! Encounter Appearance: 2-119 Malice and Mystery Below Armor Class 19 Speed 30 ft Resistant to fire, cold, lightning, and nonmagical weapon damage Immune to acid damage Immune to charmed, stunned, and frightened Legendary Actions Graspi
6. Aeorian Absorber Species in Wildemount - World Anvil
Aeorian Absorber, Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil, Armor Class: 15 (natural armor), Hit Points: 171 (18d10-72), Speed: 40ft.
World Anvil is a worldbuilding tools platform and community for writers, RPG storytellers and worldbuilding lovers
7. Monster Analysis: Aeorian Absorbers and Reverser - CritRoleStats
21 apr 2021 · Their physiology was specifically designed to combat offensive casters, with the eye channeling half the damage they take from spells back in ...
Thanks to @hanaraad for this art piece! We’ve already discussed the history and psychological profiles of Aeor’s living science experiments in regards to centuries of isolation, with focus on one abomination in particular . The Aeorian hunters are no different, from this perspective, though th
8. Protective/Armor - Prairie Path Cycles in Winfield & Batavia, Illinois
Bevat niet: aeorian | Resultaten tonen met:aeorian
9. Bizzare Terrain of Blightshore in Wildemount - World Anvil
However, recent discoveries of Aeorian artifacts revealed the truth of ... protective walls of the city. Cobblestone streets twist and mingle through ...
World Anvil is a worldbuilding tools platform and community for writers, RPG storytellers and worldbuilding lovers