10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (2024)

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (1)

Looking for fun and easy Christian Valentine’s Day Crafts for kids?

Whether you’re a Sunday School teacher, an elementary school teacher, or you have children of your own who love DIY art projects, finding just the right Christian Valentine ideas can be difficult.

You want a Valentine’s Day craft that’s fairly easy… something that isn’t going to need weird materials or make a huge mess. But you also want something that’s going to hold your kids’ attention.

Bonus points if it helps your kids learn something.

And of course, it has to be inexpensive — especially if you have multiple children or your kids like to do a lot of crafts!

Thankfully, I have just the thing.

In today’s post, I’m sharing 10 super cute and fun Christian Valentine’s Day crafts for kids that meet all of these requirements and more!

  • They’re super easy
  • They don’t make a huge mess
  • They’re good for a wide variety of ages (2-8 or so)
  • They’re cheap (or free!)
  • They all use normal materials you probably already have

AND each of these Bible-based Valentine’s craft ideas can easily be used to teach your kids more about God’s love for them, or how we (as Christians) can better love each other.

A few do require email sign-up to get a free printable PDF or other free resources, but most do not. (And honestly, you can probably figure out how to make most of these Christian Valentine crafts just by looking at them.)

So even if you’re hunting for a quick and easy Christian Valentine’s Day craft for kids at the last minute… One of these should do the trick!

Related Reading: Five Marriage-Boosting Gifts to Give Your Husband This Valentine’s Day

*This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps cover the many costs of running this site and allows me to help provide for my growing family. Thank you!

10 Fun Christian Valentine’s Day Craft Ideas for Kids

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (2)

1. 3-D Heart Craft (featuring 1 Corinthians 13)

Are you familiar with the famous Love passage in the Bible — 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a?

It reads:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

This is such a wonderful (challenging!) passage for all of us to study, and this 3-D Heart craft from The Growing Creatives is a fun way to do it.

Work together with your kids to cut out the hearts (or have them practice cutting), write a new attribute on each “page,” and then talk together about what love means and how you can all grow in love for God and others.

This Valentine’s Day craft provides an excellent reminder of the what TRUE love is — the kind of love we see Jesus demonstrate in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.)

This Christian Valentine’s lesson is adaptable, and it only requires a few materials you probably already have on hand.

Grab the full 3-D Heart Instructions on The Growing Creatives

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (3)

2. Bible Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids

Do your kids LOVE using paint? (Mine do!)

If so, they’ll love this fun Bible Valentine’s Day Craft for kids.

Have the kids wear an old ratty t-shirt as a paint shirt, cover the table with trash bags, and let them go to town with q-tips and red and pink paint.

And as they do, you can talk about God’s love for us, using Song of Songs 8:7. It says:

“Many waters cannot Quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.”

You likely have most of the materials on hand already, but if not, here’s what you’ll need:

Grab the full instructions for this Scripture craft from Catholic Icing here

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (4)

3. Easy Names of God Valentine Craft for Kids

This Christian Valentine’s craft is SO easy. In fact, if your kids are old enough to use a stapler on their own, they can probably complete it independently — which is always a win in my book.

Plus, you can easily customize this DIY heart chain to make it as quick and easy — or as deep and heart-felt — as you’d like.

For example, you might tell the children which attributes to write, you might provide them with Bible verses so they can look some up on their own, or you may ask them to share their thoughts or ideas on who God is, based on what they’ve learned so far.

Either way — it’s a great starting point for a very powerful discussion.

And again, this craft only requires supplies you probably already have on hand:

You can get the full instructions for this Valentine’s Day Craft from Blessed Beyond A Doubt

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (5)

4. Jesus Loves Me Valentine’s Day Craft Idea

This Christian Valentine’s Day craft is SO simple, quick, and easy.

If you have little ones who LOVE to color, this is a great way to share God’s love with them.

While your toddler, preschool-aged child, or younger elementary school-aged child colors, you can read them a story about God’s love or ask them questions to share just how much God loves them.

For example, a fun exercise for babies and toddlers might look like this:

  • Ask your toddler, “How much does Mommy love you?” And both of you open your arms as wide as you can.
  • Then ask, “How much does Daddy love you?” Again, open your arms as wide as you can.
  • Then say, “God’s love for you is even way bigger than that!”

The ideas are endless!

You can find the full instructions from Homeschool Preschool

Related Reading: 60 Best Bible Verses About Loving Others (Every Occasion!)

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (6)

5. Easy Heart and Cross Valentine’s Day Wreath

Melanie shares this Heart and Cross Valentine’s Day wreath craft admitting that she isn’t a huge fan of Valentine’s Day.

But she has little ones who do enjoy it, so she rolls with it.

Plus she mentions there’s the added bonus of a Bible lesson involved in making this adorable wreath as she talks to her children about John 3:16.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

These Christian Valentine’s Day crafts are a great way to spend time together as a family, spend time with God, and learn about love all at the same time.

This Christian Valentine’s Day craft does require a few extra materials you may not have on hand. Here’s the list if you want to check what you need and grab all your supplies in advance:

You can get the full instructions here: Heart and Cross Valentine’s Day Wreath – It Happens in a Blink

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (7)

6. A Happy Heart Craft (Proverbs 15:13)

Need a craft for really little ones? This Christian Valentine’s Day craft is perfect for preschoolers, toddlers, and even babies! And Angela turns this craft into a Bible lesson using Proverbs 15:3 in the most adorable way.

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”

Angela uses this lesson to help improve her little one’s sourness (we’ve all been there). She talks about what makes them happy and what makes them sad. And Angela also mentions how when we are happy, our faces show it.

I’ll let you read the rest to find out how. It’s so cute!

Click here to learn more: A Happy Heart – Teaching Mama

Supplies Needed:

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (8)

7. Bible Valentine’s Day Craft

When looking for Christian Valentine’s craft ideas, it’s always great to find one that focuses on the Bible. That’s why I really love this next craft centered around 1 John 4:11.

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”

Valentine’s Day is a lot more than focusing on romantic love. This verse teaches us that love extends to our family, friends, neighbors, and even people that aren’t always nice to us.

I love how the Bible encourages us to dig deeper and share the kind of love that Jesus shows all of us.

Just a warning though. This one also uses supplies you may or may not have on hand. Here’s a quick list so you can check and run to the store if you need to:

Find the full instructions for this Bible Valentine’s Day Craft fromMeaningful Mama

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (9)

8. Christian Conversation Hearts for God

These Christian Valentine’s Day crafts for kids are so adorable. And this next one is definitely one of my favorite ideas.

Julie bases this project on the hymn, “My Jesus, I Love Thee.” Julie noticed that throughout the song, there were several, little sayings about love.

  • My Jesus
  • I Love Thee
  • Thou Art Mine
  • Gracious Redeemer
  • Endless Delight
  • Ever Adore Thee
  • Praise Thee
  • My Savior

She decided to turn them into love notes to God. What a super cute idea!

Doesn’t this remind you of the little love messages printed on candy hearts? (I would absolutely buy and eat some conversation hearts while doing this craft with kids!)

There’s even a free printable to help keep this easy. And you probably have the rest of the supplies lying around the house.

You can grab the full instructions here: Conversation Hearts for God {Printable} – Happy Strong Home

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (10)

9. Bible Verse Valentine’s Day Countdown

If your Valentine’s journey includes bringing more of God’s Word into your day, this Christian Valentine’s Day craft will definitely do it.

For this amazing idea, Anna is sharing a free printable in this super cute learning activity.

This Christian Valentine’s Day craft shares 14 ways that God shows His love and includes Bible verses to reference each day as you countdown to February 14th.

I found this to be an amazing way to start every day in February leading up to Valentine’s Day rooted in God’s Word.

You can find the full instructions for this Valentine’s Countdown chain onOur Faith-Filled Home

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (11)

10. Valentine’s Day Bible Craft Idea

This step-by-step Christian Valentine’s Day craft is an amazing way to teach how much Jesus loves us through 1 John 4:19.

“We love because he first loved us.”

This Bible verse is very profound because God is love, He created love, and the very first sign of love came from God loving us. It teaches that love isn’t just a feeling but an action as well.

1 John 4:11-19 is an amazing part of John’s letter to a group of churches. One of the most important things for us, as Christians, is to be recognized by our love – by what we do for others – not because they love us, but because we love them first.

You can find the full instructions for this Valentine’s Day Bible Craft fromTrue Aim Education

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (12)

11. (BONUS) Valentine’s Day Sunday School Lesson

I had a hard time narrowing these Christian Valentine’s Day craft ideas down to just ten. So here’s a little bonus lesson on love focused on 1 Corinthians 13. When I think about Valentine’s Day Bible lessons, these Scripture verses about love are some of the first that comes to mind.

I feel like I could write a whole blog post on this Bible passage. But I’ll try and keep it short and sweet.

This lesson is so important as it starts by saying what love isn’t – a bunch of acts that seem good but are worthless if not done in love for God.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”

Then it jumps into what love actually is.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

And this passage closes with three, key ingredients to have as Christians… and the most important one is love.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

This 1 Corinthians 13 Valentine’s Craft would be perfect to use with your kids, or at your kids’ church ministry event, or as a Valentine’s Day Sunday School lesson for preschoolers.

You can get the full instructions fromOut Upon the Waters.

Related Reading: 25 Ways to Speak Your Child’s Love Language

Which of these Christian Valentine’s Day crafts for kids are you most excited to try? Or do you have other Valentine’s Day traditions your family loves to do each year?

10 Fun Christian Valentine's Day Crafts (Ideas for Kids) (2024)


How can I make Valentines Day special without gifts? ›

How to Celebrate Valentine's Day Without Buying Gifts
  1. Make a Meal. One of my favorite things to do is have friends over to my house for a meal. ...
  2. Bake Cookies. I don't know about you, but I love getting containers filled with tasty treats around the holidays. ...
  3. Write a Card. ...
  4. Frame a Photo. ...
  5. Have a Movie Night.

What is Valentine box for kids? ›

A Valentine's box is simply a box for kids to collect cards and gifts on Valentine's Day, which can be used at home or taken to school. There's much more to these boxes than their practicality though. They can be designed in a multitude of ways, and the sky's the limit when it comes to decoration.

What is a fun fact for kids about valentines Day? ›

Here's some Valentine's Day facts to make the holiday more fun. 1) Over 8 billion candy hearts are produced for Valentine's Day every year! Don't worry if you still have last year's box — they have a shelf life of five years. 2) Nearly 250 million roses are grown in preparation for Valentine's Day each year.

Is Valentine's Day for kids too? ›

It is a holiday that helps children learn how to love and express love towards others. In addition to that, Valentine's Day is also a beautiful opportunity to think about what both love and self-love look like and how we can teach our children to love themselves.

What is Valentine's day to Christians? ›

It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine, and through later folk traditions it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

Is Valentine accepted in Christianity? ›

In conclusion, from a Christian perspective, Valentine's Day provides an opportunity to celebrate Love and kindness rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Love is the foundation of all relationships, while kindness becomes its tangible expression.

Does the Bible allow Valentine's day? ›

Since the origin of Valentine's Day as a romantic holiday only dates back to the 14th century, the Bible doesn't have any specific messages about the day—but it does have a lot to say on the subject of love.

What are valentines for school? ›

Each year, typically, elementary school children choose a box of valentines featuring their latest favorite superhero, princess, snack, or Internet meme, fill out a card for each of their classmates, and distribute the cards among their peers' decorated shoeboxes during class time.

What to sell on Valentine's Day at school? ›

When planning a Valentine's Day fundraiser, you likely think of chocolates and roses. Flowers are a staple of this popular holiday. Roses are arguably the most popular flower you can start selling at your school. Nearly 28% of adults purchase flowers for a loved one or partner on Valentine's Day.

What to make for a Valentine's Day box? ›

Heart Sticker Valentine's Box

All you need is a shoebox and some heart-shaped stickers to create this eye-catching box. After cutting a slit into the top of the box, cover the top and bottom with pink paper. Then it's sticker time!


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.